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Blood component transfusion in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients in the immediate post-transplant period

Blood component transfusion in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients in the immediate post-transplant period
Recipient ABO type Donor type O Donor type A Donor type B Donor type AB
RBC type FFP/PLT type RBC type FFP/PLT type RBC type FFP/PLT type RBC type FFP/PLT type
O O Any type O A or AB O B or AB O AB
A O A or AB A or O A or AB O AB A or O AB
B O B or AB O AB B or O B or AB B or O AB
AB O AB A or O AB B or O AB AB, A, B, or O AB
Recipient Rh Donor Rh-negative Donor Rh-positive
Rh positive Negative See note Positive See note
Rh negative Negative See note Negative See note
HCT recipients who receive HSCs of a different blood type may have chimerism in the immediate post-transplant period. The goals of component selection are to minimize risks of RBC hemolysis and to optimize hematopoiesis from donor cells. Rh(D)-positive recipients with Rh(D)-negative donors receive Rh(D)-negative RBCs and granulocytes. Rh(D)-negative recipients with Rh(D)-positive donors receive Rh(D)-negative RBCs and granulocytes. Platelets should be of the ABO type listed if available. Refer to UpToDate topics on pretransfusion testing, transfusion, and management in the immediate post-HCT period for additional details.
RBC: red blood cell; FFP: fresh frozen plasma; PLT: platelets; Rh: Rh(D); HCT: hematopoietic cell transplant; HSCs: hematopoietic stem cells.
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