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Clinical and laboratory manifestations of Ebola virus disease

Clinical and laboratory manifestations of Ebola virus disease
Stage of illness Time post-symptom onset Clinical Laboratory
Early febrile Days 1-3 Fever, malaise, fatigue, body aches Leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated AST and ALT
Gastrointestinal Days 3-10

Primary: Epigastric and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea


Associated: Persistent fever, asthenia, headache, conjunctival injection, chest pain, dysphagia, odynophagia, arthralgias, myalgias, hiccups, delirium, and rash

Persistently elevated AST/ALT and thrombocytopenia


Elevated BUN and creatinine


Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia


Elevated PT/PTT/INR/fibrin-split products


Leukocytosis (elevated neutrophils and band cells)
Shock Days 7-12 Diminished consciousness or coma, thready pulse, oliguria, anuria, tachypnea

In addition to findings during gastrointestinal stage:


Elevated lactate


Decreased bicarbonate
Other complications Day 10 and after Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, respiratory failure associated with aggressive fluid resuscitation or lung injury, secondary infections, neurocognitive abnormalities, seizures, syndrome consistent with menigoencephalitis

Findings may overlap with prior stages of illness


Decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit observed with gastrointestinal bleeding


Hypoxemia observed with respiratory failure

Recovery Days 7-12  Resolution of gastrointestinal symptoms, increased oral intake, increased energy Resolution of laboratory abnormalities
Convalescence Up to 12 months Arthralgias, myalgias, abdominal pain, fatigue, persistent neurocognitive abnormalities, uveitis, meningitis, hearing loss  
ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; PT: prothrombin time; PTT: partial thromboplastin time; INR: international normalized ratio; BUN +blood urea nitrogen.
Courtesy of: Daniel S. Chertow, MD, MPH.
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