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Causes of angioedema classified by mechanism

Causes of angioedema classified by mechanism
Mechanism Known or presumed pathophysiology Examples

Activation of mast cells

Clinical characteristics – Often associated with pruritus and urticaria.

May present as part of an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis.
IgE-mediated mast cell activation (type I hypersensitivity) Allergic reactions to foods, drugs, latex, insect stings, other allergens
Direct mast cell activation Opioids, radiocontrast agents
Perturbations in arachidonic acid metabolism Aspirin and other NSAIDs
Immunologic and other non-IgE-mediated mast cell activation Idiopathic histaminergic angioedema, often associated with chronic spontaneous urticaria or inducible urticaria

Generation of bradykinin

Clinical characteristics – Not associated with pruritus or urticaria.

May present with abdominal symptoms due to bowel wall edema.
Inhibition of enzymes involved in degradation of bradykinin ACE inhibitors, DPP-4 inhibitors, NEP inhibitors (eg, neprilysin inhibitors)
Deficiency or dysfunction of complement C1 inhibitor due to mutation Hereditary angioedema (also known as hereditary C1 inhibitor deficiency or dysfunction)
Deficiency or dysfunction of complement C1 inhibitor often due to anti-C1 inhibitor antibody or an underlying malignancy Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency

Defects in several genes have been implicated, including those for coagulation factor XII, plasminogen, and angiopoietin-1.

Other cases are idiopathic.
Hereditary angioedema with normal C1 inhibitor

Unknown pathophysiology

Clinical characteristics – Variable.

Sometimes associated with urticaria.
  Idiopathic nonhistaminergic angioedema
Infections (especially in children)
Drugs – Calcium channel blockers, fibrinolytic agents, herbal medicines
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Gleich syndrome
Urticarial vasculitis
ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; DPP-4: dipeptidyl peptidase 4; IgE: immunoglobulin E; NEP: neutral endopeptidase; NSAID: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.
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