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Causes of hemoptysis

Causes of hemoptysis
Airway diseases
Bronchitis: Acute or chronic
Bronchiectasis* (eg, cystic fibrosis-related)
Bronchogenic carcinoma*
Bronchial carcinoid tumor
Metastatic cancer to bronchus or trachea
Bronchovascular fistula (eg, aortic aneurysm with erosion into airway)
Dieulafoy disease (subepithelial bronchial artery)
Foreign body in airway
Pulmonary parenchymal diseases
Necrotizing pneumonia and lung abscess
Bacterial infections (anthrax [Bacillus anthracis], leptospirosis [Leptospira species], plague [Yersinia pestis], tularemia [Francisella tularensis])
Tuberculous* and nontuberculous mycobacterial disease
Mycetoma and other fungal infections*
Parasitic (eg, Paragonimus westermani, Strongyloides)
Viral (eg, Herpes simplex, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever [CCHF], dengue virus [DENV])
Rheumatic disease
Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease (Goodpasture disease)
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis and other vasculitides
Behçet disease
Primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Genetic defect of collagen (eg, Ehlers-Danlos vascular type)
Endometriosis (catamenial hemoptysis)
Pulmonary vascular diseases
Heart failure (acquired or congenital)
Mitral stenosis
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
Pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm (due to infection, neoplasm, or trauma)
Pulmonary embolism (eg, fat, septic, thrombotic)
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Pulmonary and bronchial artery aneurysms (eg, Hughes-Stovin syndrome)
Bleeding disorders and trauma
Bleeding disorders
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Platelet dysfunction (eg, renal failure)
Thrombocytopenia (ITP, TTP, HUS)
von Willebrand disease
External blunt or penetrating trauma
Airway stent
Balloon dilation of airway lesion
Bronchoscopic endobronchial or transbronchial biopsy or needle aspiration biopsy
Bronchoscopic ablative procedures (eg, cryotherapy, brachytherapy)
Erosion of tracheal tube into innominate artery
Transthoracic needle aspiration or biopsy
Vascular injury from pulmonary artery catheter
Drugs and toxins
Cocaine use
Argemone alkaloid-contaminated cooking oil (epidemic dropsy)
Bevacizumab treatment
Nitrogen dioxide toxicity (eg, silo fillers, indoor ice arenas with faulty propane powered equipment and poor ventilation)
Hydralazine (hydralazine-induced vasculitis)
E-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury (EVALI)
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
Fibrosing mediastinitis
Due to aspirated blood from upper airway or gastrointestinal sources
The most common causes of life-threatening hemoptysis are marked with an asterisk. Life-threatening hemoptysis is variably defined in studies. We define it as hemoptysis that results in a life-threatening event such as serious airway obstruction, significant deterioration in gas exchange or hemodynamic instability or ≥150 mL blood expectorated in a 24-hour period or bleeding ≥100 mL per hour.
ITP: immune thrombocytopenia; TTP: thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; HUS: hemolytic uremic syndrome.
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