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Comparison of imaging modalities in children with osteomyelitis[1-6]

Comparison of imaging modalities in children with osteomyelitis[1-6]
Modality Indications Advantages Disadvantages Comments[1]
Plain radiographs
  • Baseline
  • Excluding other conditions in differential diagnosis
  • Monitoring disease progression
  • Usually diagnostic in newborns[2]
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to obtain
  • Abnormal findings usually not present at onset of symptoms, except in newborns
  • Sensitivity: 16 to 20%
  • Specificity: 80 to 100%
  • Normal radiograph at onset does not exclude osteomyelitis
  • Identify location and extent of disease
  • Evaluation of adjacent structures for extension of infection (soft tissues, growth plate, epiphysis, joint)
  • Evaluation of difficult sites (eg, pelvis, vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs)
  • Planning surgical intervention
  • No radiation risk
  • Demonstrates early changes in the marrow cavity
  • Improved demonstration of subperiosteal abscess
  • Demonstration of concomitant septic arthritis, venous thrombosis, or pyomyositis
  • Costly
  • Less useful in multifocal or poorly localized disease
  • Requires more time than CT
  • Young children may require sedation or anesthesia
  • Not always available
  • Sensitivity: 81 to 100%
  • Specificity: 67 to 94%
  • Osteomyelitis unlikely if MRI is normal
  • Repeat MRI seldom leads to management changes in patients with clinical improvement
  • Poorly localized symptoms (eg, young children who cannot verbalize)
  • Multifocal disease
  • More useful than MRI in multifocal or poorly localized disease
  • Demonstrates early changes
  • Readily available
  • Generally requires less sedation than MRI
  • Radiation exposure
  • Does not provide information about extent of purulent collections that may require drainage
  • Sensitivity: 30 to 91%
  • Specificity: 47 to 84%
  • Osteomyelitis unlikely if scintigraphy is normal
  • May be falsely negative if blood supply to periosteum is interrupted (eg, subperiosteal abscess)
  • Evaluation of cortical destruction, bone gas, and sequestrum
  • Delineating extent of bone injury in subacute/chronic osteomyelitis
  • Planning surgical interventions
  • Evaluation of complications if MRI not available or contraindicated
  • Less time-consuming than MRI
  • Does not require sedation
  • Expensive
  • Increased radiation exposure
  • Poor soft tissue contrast
  • Sensitivity: 67 to 100%
  • Specificity: 50%
  • Generally used for diagnosis only if other studies are not possible or inconclusive
  • Evaluate fluid collections in adjacent structures (eg, joint, periosteum)
  • Monitor abscess resolution or progression
  • Inexpensive
  • No radiation burden
  • Noninvasive
  • Portable
  • Does not penetrate bone cortex
  • Sensitivity: 17 to 76%
  • Specificity: 47 to 91%

MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CT: computed tomography.

* Preferred imaging study when imaging other than plain radiographs are necessary to establish the diagnosis of osteomyelitis.
  1. Woods CR, Bradley, JS, Chatterjee A, et al. Clinical practice guideline by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America: 2021 Guideline on diagnosis and management of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in pediatrics. J Pediatr Infect Dis Soc 2021; 10:801.
  2. Bergdahl S, Ekengren K, Eriksson M. Neonatal hematogenous osteomyelitis: Risk factors for long-term sequelae. J Pediatr Orthop. 1985; 5:564.
  3. Dartnell J, Ramachandran M, Katchburian M. Haematogenous acute and subacute paediatric osteomyelitis: A systematic review of the literature. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2012; 94:584.
  4. Faust SN, Clark J, Pallett A, Clarke NM. Managing bone and joint infection in children. Arch Dis Child 2012; 97:545.
  5. Peltola H, Pääkkönen M. Acute osteomyelitis in children. N Engl J Med 2014; 370:352.
  6. Yeo A, Ramachandran M. Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis in children. BMJ 2014; 348:g66.
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