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Differential diagnosis of syndromes similar to FAS

Differential diagnosis of syndromes similar to FAS
Syndrome Overlapping features Differentiating features

Aarskog syndrome

MIM 100050
Small nose with anteverted nares, broad philtrum, maxillary hypoplasia, and wide-spaced eyes Rounded face, down-slant to palpebral fissures, widow's peak, crease, below lower lip, incomplete out folding of upper helices, and dental eruption problems

Williams syndrome

MIM #194050
Short palpebral fissures, anteverted nares, long philtrum, depressed nasal bridge, and epicanthal folds Wide mouth with full lips, stellate pattern of the iris, periorbital fullness, and connective tissue disorders

Noonan syndrome

MIM #163950
Low nasal bridge, wide-spaced eyes, and epicanthal folds Down-slant to palpebral fissures, keratoconus, wide mouth, and protruding upper lip

Dubowitz syndrome

MIM %223370
Short palpebral fissures, wide-spaced eyes, and epicanthal folds Shallow supraorbital ridge with nasal bridge near the level of the forehead, and broad nasal tip

Chromosome 15q11-q13 duplication syndrome

MIM #608636
Cognitive impairment, neurobehavioral manifestations Lacks facial dysmorphisms

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 1
(Brachmann-de Lange syndrome)

MIM #122470
Long philtrum, thin vermillion border, anteverted nares, and depressed nasal bridge Single, bushy eyebrow extending across forehead, long eyelashes, downturned mouth, high-arched palate, and short limbs (yielding short stature)
Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndromes
(eg, DiGeorge syndrome MIM #188400; velocardiofacial syndrome MIM #192430)
Short palpebral fissures, wide-spaced eyes Micrognathia, low-set ears, strabismus, short philtrum, high-arched palate, cleft palate, bifid uvula
Toluene embryopathy Short palpebral fissures, mid-face hypoplasia, smooth philtrum, and thin vermillion border Micrognathia, large anterior fontanel, down-turned mouth corners, hair patterning abnormalities, bifrontal narrowing, and ear abnormalities
Fetal hydantoin syndrome
(Fetal dilantin syndrome)
Wide-spaced eyes and depressed nasal bridge Short nose with bowed upper lip
Fetal valproate syndrome Epicanthal folds, anteverted nares, long philtrum with thin vermilion border, and wide-spaced eyes High forehead, infraorbital crease or groove, and small mouth
Maternal PKU fetal effects Epicanthal folds, short palpebral fissures, long underdeveloped philtrum, and thin vermillion border Small upturned nose, round facies, and prominent glabella
FAS: fetal alcohol syndrome; PKU: phenylketonuria.
Adapted from:
  1. Bertrand J, Floyd RL, Weber MK, et al. National Task Force on Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effect. Fetal alcohol syndrome: Guidelines for referral and diagnosis. Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Atlanta, GA, 2004. Available at: (Accessed on February 28, 2024).
  2. Hoyme HE, Kalberg WO, Elliott AJ, et al. Updated clinical guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Pediatrics 2016; 138.
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