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Diagnostic tests for schistosomiasis

Diagnostic tests for schistosomiasis
  Schistosoma mansoni* Schistosoma haematobium Diagnostic use Cost Availability
Nonspecific tests
Fecal occult blood test[1] + Population screening Low Commercial
Urine dipstick test for blood detection (heme)[2] ++ Population screening Low Commercial
Serum eosinophil count (>500/mcgL)[3] + / +++ + / ++ Recent infection (travelers) Low Commercial
Specific tests
Serum antibody tests[4-6] ++ / +++ ++ / +++ Diagnostic screening (travelers) Low/medium Commercial, reference lab
Ova detection in urine (filtration method)[7,8] + / ++ Species determination, parasite load (treatment follow-up) Medium Simple lab procedure, microscopy
Ova detection in stool (Kato-Katz)[7,9,10] + Species determination, parasite load (treatment follow-up) Low On-site test with microscopy, simple lab procedure
Ova detection in stool (FLOTAC concentration)[9,10] ++ Species determination, parasite load (treatment follow-up) Medium Routine parasitology lab procedure
Ova detection in rectal snips[11] ++ – / + Species determination Medium Rectoscopy and microscopy
Antigen (CAA, CCA) in urine[12-15] ++ ++ / +++ Population screening, treatment follow-up Low/medium Commercial (point-of-care test), research tool
Antigen (CAA,CCA) in serum[15-18] +++ +++ Diagnosis of active disease (low endemic or nonendemic) High Research tool
PCR in stool or urine (28S)[19-22] +++ +++ Diagnosis of active disease, treatment follow-up (low endemic or nonendemic) High Reference lab
PCR in serum (Sm1-7)[23-25] +++ + Diagnosis (low endemic or nonendemic) High Research tool
PCR in serum (Dra1)[22,26] +++ Diagnosis, species determination (low endemic or nonendemic) High Research tool
Sensitivity score: (–) absent; (+) low; (++) average; (+++) high.

CAA: circulating anodic antigen; CCA: circulating cathodic antigen; PCR: polymerase chain reaction.

* Assays for S. mansoni also work well for Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi.
  1. Bustinduy AL, Sousa-Figueiredo JC, Adriko M, et al. Fecal occult blood and fecal calprotectin as point-of-care markers of intestinal morbidity in Ugandan children with Schistosoma mansoni infection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2013; 7:e2542.
  2. King CH, Bertsch D. Meta-analysis of urine heme dipstick diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium infection, including low-prevalence and previously-treated populations. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2013; 7:e2431.
  3. Bierman WF, Wetsteyn JC, van Gool T. Presentation and diagnosis of imported schistosomiasis: relevance of eosinophilia, microscopy for ova, and serology. J Travel Med 2005; 12:9.
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  5. Van Gool T, Vetter H, Vervoort T, et al. Serodiagnosis of imported schistosomiasis by a combination of a commercial indirect hemagglutination test with Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigens and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with S. mansoni egg antigens. J Clin Microbiol 2002; 40:3432.
  6. Kinkel HF, Dittrich S, Bäumer B, Weitzel T. Evaluation of eight serological tests for diagnosis of imported schistosomiasis. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19:948.
  7. Gryseels B, Polman K, Clerinx J, Kestens L. Human schistosomiasis. Lancet 2006; 368:1106.
  8. Peters PAS, Kazura JW. Update on diagnostic methods for schistosomiasis. Bailliere's Clin Trop Med Commun Dis 1987; 2:419.
  9. Glinz D, Silué KD, Knopp S, et al. Comparing diagnostic accuracy of Kato-Katz, Koga agar plate, ether-concentration, and FLOTAC for Schistosoma mansoni and soil-transmitted helminths. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2010; 4:e754.
  10. Coulibaly JT, Ouattara M, Becker SL, et al. Comparison of sensitivity and faecal egg counts of Mini-FLOTAC using fixed stool samples and Kato-Katz technique for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni and soil-transmitted helminths. Acta Trop 2016; 164:107.
  11. Harries AD, Fryatt R, Walker J, et al. Schistosomiasis in expatriates returning to Britain from the tropics: a controlled study. Lancet 1986; 1:86.
  12. Corstjens PLAM, de Dood CJ, Knopp S, et al. Circulating Anodic Antigen (CAA): A Highly Sensitive Diagnostic Biomarker to Detect Active Schistosoma Infections-Improvement and Use during SCORE. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020; 103:50.
  13. van Grootveld R, van Dam GJ, de Dood C, et al. Improved diagnosis of active Schistosoma infection in travellers and migrants using the ultra-sensitive in-house lateral flow test for detection of circulating anodic antigen (CAA) in serum. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018; 37:1709.
  14. De Jonge N, Gryseels B, Hilberath GW, et al. Detection of circulating anodic antigen by ELISA for seroepidemiology of schistosomiasis mansoni. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1988; 82:591.
  15. Deelder AM, Qian ZL, Kremsner PG, et al. Quantitative diagnosis of Schistosoma infections by measurement of circulating antigens in serum and urine. Trop Geogr Med 1994; 46:233.
  16. van Lieshout L, Polderman AM, Deelder AM. Immunodiagnosis of schistosomiasis by determination of the circulating antigens CAA and CCA, in particular in individuals with recent or light infections. Acta Trop 2000; 77:69.
  17. de Jonge N, De Caluwé P, Hilberath GW, et al. Circulating anodic antigen levels in serum before and after chemotherapy with praziquantel in schistosomiasis mansoni. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1989; 83:368.
  18. de Dood CJ, Hoekstra PT, Mngara J, et al. Refining diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium infections: Antigen and antibody detection in urine. Front Immunol 2018; 9:2635.
  19. Cnops L, Tannich E, Polman K, et al. Schistosoma real-time PCR as diagnostic tool for international travellers and migrants. Trop Med Int Health 2012; 17:1208.
  20. Meurs L, Brienen E, Mbow M, et al. Is PCR the Next Reference Standard for the Diagnosis of Schistosoma in Stool? A Comparison with Microscopy in Senegal and Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015; 9:e0003959.
  21. ten Hove RJ, Verweij JJ, Vereecken K, et al. Multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium infection in stool samples collected in northern Senegal. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2008; 102:179.
  22. Guegan H, Fillaux J, Charpentier E, et al. Real-time PCR for diagnosis of imported schistosomiasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019; 13:e0007711.
  23. Wichmann D, Panning M, Quack T, et al. Diagnosing schistosomiasis by detection of cell-free parasite DNA in human plasma. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009; 3:e422.
  24. Wichmann D, Poppert S, Von Thien H, et al. Prospective European-wide multicentre study on a blood based real-time PCR for the diagnosis of acute schistosomiasis. BMC Infect Dis 2013; 13:55.
  25. Clerinx J, Bottieau E, Wichmann D, et al. Acute schistosomiasis in a cluster of travelers from Rwanda: diagnostic contribution of schistosome DNA detection in serum compared to parasitology and serology. J Travel Med 2011; 18:367.
  26. Cnops L, Soentjens P, Clerinx J, Van Esbroeck M. A Schistosoma haematobium-specific real-time PCR for diagnosis of urogenital schistosomiasis in serum samples of international travelers and migrants. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2013; 7:e2413.
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