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24-hour ambulatory blood pressure levels for girls based on height

24-hour ambulatory blood pressure levels for girls based on height
Height (cm) Average 24-hour BP (percentile) Average day BP (percentile) Average night BP (percentile)
50th 75th 90th 95th 50th 75th 90th 95th 50th 75th 90th 95th
120 104/66 108/69 112/71 114/72 110/73 114/77 118/80 120/82 95/55 99/60 103/63 106/65
125 105/66 109/69 113/71 116/73 111/73 115/77 119/80 121/82 96/55 100/60 104/63 107/66
130 106/66 110/69 114/72 117/73 111/72 116/76 120/80 122/82 96/55 101/59 106/63 108/66
135 107/66 111/70 115/72 118/74 112/72 116/76 120/80 123/82 97/55 102/59 107/63 109/66
140 108/66 112/70 116/73 119/75 112/72 117/76 121/80 124/82 98/55 103/59 108/63 110/66
145 109/66 113/70 117/73 120/75 113/72 118/76 123/80 125/82 98/54 103/59 109/63 112/66
150 110/67 115/70 119/74 121/76 114/72 119/76 124/80 127/82 99/54 104/59 110/63 113/66
155 111/67 116/71 120/74 123/76 116/72 121/76 125/80 128/82 100/54 106/59 111/63 114/66
160 112/67 117/71 121/74 123/76 117/72 122/76 126/80 129/82 101/55 106/59 111/63 114/66
165 114/67 118/71 122/74 124/76 118/73 123/77 127/80 130/82 102/55 107/59 112/63 114/66
170 115/68 119/71 123/74 125/76 120/74 124/77 128/80 131/82 103/55 108/61 112/67 115/71
175 116/69 120/72 124/75 126/76 121/75 125/78 129/81 131/82 105/55 109/59 113/63 115/66
The values are in mmHg and are the average BP based on 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring.
BP: blood pressure.
From: Lurbe E, Agabiti-Rosei E, Cruickshank JK, et al. 2016 European Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. J Hypertens 2016; 34:1887. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001039. Copyright © 2016 International Society of Hypertension and European Society of Hypertension. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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