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Clinical features and genetics of androgen insensitivity syndromes

Clinical features and genetics of androgen insensitivity syndromes
Clinical features Complete AIS Partial AIS/female Partial AIS/male Minimal AIS
Genital appearance Completely female external genitalia, short vagina Clitoromegaly, narrow vagina, variable fusion of labia minora Hypospadias, variable scrotum bifidum Unambiguous male
Location of gonads Mostly abdominal or inguinal Mostly inguinal Mostly scrotal Scrotal
Pubertal development Feminization Breast development and slight virilization Persistent gynecomastia and slight virilization Gynecomastia and virilization
Secondary sexual hair Sparse to absent Sparse Slightly diminished Slightly diminished
Spermatogenesis Absent Absent Absent to severely impaired Mostly severely impaired
AR gene mutations Located throughout AR gene Mostly DNA-binding and hormone-binding domain Mostly DNA-binding and hormone-binding domain Located throughout AR gene, in case of spino-bulbar muscular atrophy: within CAG repeat region of N-terminal region
Timing of gonadectomy Post-pubertal gonadectomy favored Pre-pubertal gonadectomy favored No gonadectomy, but surveillance recommended No gonadectomy, but surveillance recommended
AIS: androgen insensitivity syndrome; AR: androgen receptor.
Graphic 91851 Version 4.0

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