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Hip abductor strengthening exercises

Hip abductor strengthening exercises
Single shallow knee bend: Patient stands on one foot, slowly bends knee to 20 degrees flexion by "sitting" slightly, then returns to starting position. Limiting knee flexion keeps knee from extending beyond toes in sagittal plane, which can exacerbate patellofemoral symptoms, and works the desired muscle group (gluteal more than quadriceps). Goal is to avoid any medial movement of the knee, and to keep upper trunk in a vertical position.
  • Perform 2 sets of 20 to 30 repetitions daily
  • Strengthens gluteus medius and hip external rotators and develops proprioception
Contralateral pelvic drop: Patient stands with foot of affected leg on stair or ledge; unaffected leg faces away from stair and remains non-weight-bearing throughout exercise. Begin with unaffected hip elevated (pelvis tilted "unaffected side up," affected hip is abducted). Slowly drop non-weighted hip so that pelvis is tilted to "unaffected side down" (eccentric abduction leading to adducted position of affected hip). Then slowly tilt unaffected hip back up to starting position (concentric abduction of affected hip).
  • Build to 2 to 3 sets of 20 to 30 repetitions daily
  • Strengthens gluteus medius
One of the following (hip abduction exercises)
  • Side-lying abduction: Patient lies on unaffected side and raises affected leg to 30 degrees abduction (avoiding hip internal/external rotation), then slowly returns to starting position. Start with abducting leg against gravity. When this is easy, add ankle-weight.
    • Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions daily
    • Strengthens gluteus medius
  • Standing abduction: Patient tethers exercise band to low anchor then loops other end of band around ankle of affected side. Patient abducts leg away from band anchor to 20 to 30 degrees abduction, creating moderate tension on band, then (focusing on slow, controlled motion) slowly returns to starting position.
    • Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions daily
    • Strengthens gluteus medius
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