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Clinical features of right and left atrial isomerism

Clinical features of right and left atrial isomerism
  Right atrial isomerism Left atrial isomerism
  Bilateral right-sidedness Bilateral left-sidedness
Spleen No spleen (asplenia) More than one spleen (polysplenia)
Liver Symmetrical and horizontal Bilobed, may be symmetrical, but more often to one side
Stomach Near midline (right or left) Usually right-sided
Heart and vessels
Cardiac position Mesocardia common; can be on either side Mesocardia rare; generally on either side
Systemic venous vessels
Superior vena cava Bilateral: One to each atrium May be bilateral: One to each atrium (can be via coronary sinus)
Coronary sinus Absent Generally present
Inferior vena cava Present; can connect to either atria but is always on the same side as DAo Usually interrupted with azygos continuation
General Bilateral right atria Bilateral left atria
Sinoatrial node Bilateral with one dominant (usually inferior P wave axis) Absent coronary sinus rhythm
Septum Usually large primum and secundum ASD Highly variable, from intact septum to common atrium
Atrioventricular valves Single (AVSD type) or atresia of one Two valves or AVSD type
Pulmonary veins Generally extracardiac TAPVR Directly to atria
Position Inverted D-looping
Ventricular septal defect type Canal type (inlet) Membranous or canal type
Great arteries
Position Malposed (approximately 95%); DORV (approximately 5%) Generally normal, occasional DORV and rare malposition
Pulmonary outflow obstruction Severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia in >90% Pulmonic stenosis is unusual
Left-sided obstruction Rare Common (MS, AS, CoA)
Other thoracic organs
Bronchi Both are eparterial Both are hyparterial
Lungs Bilateral trilobed Bilateral bilobed
DAo: descending aorta; ASD: atrial septal defect; AVSD: atrioventricular septal defect; TAPVR: total anomalous pulmonary venous return; DORV: double outlet right ventricle; MS: mitral stenosis; AS: aortic stenosis; CoA: coarctation of the aorta.
Graphic 91233 Version 6.0

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