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Intakes of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D from various enteral nutrition feedings at 160 mL/kg per day used in the United States

Intakes of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D from various enteral nutrition feedings at 160 mL/kg per day used in the United States
  Recommended intake* Unfortified human milk
(20 kcal/oz)
Fortified human milk
(24 kcal/oz)
Preterm formula
(24 kcal/oz)
Transitional formula
(22 kcal/oz)
Calcium (mg/kg) 150 to 220 37 184 to 218 210 to 234 125 to 144
Phosphorus (mg/kg) 75 to 140 21 102 to 125 107 to 130 74 to 80
Vitamin D (international units/day) 200 to 400 2.4Δ 283 to 379Δ 290 to 468Δ 125 to 127Δ
* Recommendations for preterm infants weighing 1000 to 1500 g.
¶ Human milk data based on mature human milk.
Δ Vitamin D intake is based on an infant weighing 1500 g. Concentrations of vitamin D vary considerably among different commercially available human milk fortifiers.
Modified with permission from Pediatrics, Vol. 131, Pages e1676-e1683, Copyright © 2013 by the AAP.
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