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Intubations for decompression and feeding in patients with gastroparesis

Intubations for decompression and feeding in patients with gastroparesis
Type of access Usefulness Disadvantages
Nasogastric tube Gastric decompression in acute management

Not meant for long-term use

Large tube size often causes discomfort

Is a poor choice for feeding due to delayed gastric emptying as significant gastroesophageal reflux can occur
Nasoduodenal/nasojejunal tube Used to give trial feedings to determine if jejunal feedings are tolerated. May be acceptable if there are no other options.

Not for long-term use

Vomiting may expel the tube into the stomach
Gastrostomy tubes May be used for venting of secretions to decrease vomiting and fullness

Poor choice for feeding due to delayed gastric emptying

May prevent proper electrode placement for gastric electrical stimulation
PEG-J or Jet-PEG

Allows the patient to vent gastric secretions to decrease/prevent persistent emesis

Provides jejunal feedings

New PEG-Js have distal feeding ports to reduce duodenogastric reflux

Migration of the J-tube extension into stomach

Pyloric obstruction from J-tube

May prevent proper electrode placement for gastric electrical stimulation
Jejunostomy (surgical, endoscopic, radiographic)

Stable access for reliable jejunal nutrient delivery

Avoids gastric penetration that would interfere with proper electrode placement for gastric electrical stimulation
Cannot vent stomach
Dual gastrostomy and jejunostomy Two sites — one for venting and one for enteral nutrition

Increased risk of leakage, infection

Cosmetic issues
PEG: percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; PEG-J: percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy with jejunal extension tube.
Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: American Journal of Gastroenterology. Camilleri M, Parkman HP, Shafi MA, et al. ACG clinical guideline: Management of Gastroparesis. Am J Gastroenterol 2013; 108:18. Copyright © 2013.
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