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Paris classification of ulcerative colitis in children

Paris classification of ulcerative colitis in children
  Categories used in Montreal classification
Modified categories used in Paris classification
(children and adolescents)
Age at diagnosis A1 A1a 0 to <10 years
A1b 10 to <17 years
A2   17 to 40 years
A3   >40 years
Location E1   Ulcerative proctitis
E2   Left-sided ulcerative colitis (extending distal to the splenic flexure)
E3 E3 Extensive (extending distally from the hepatic flexure)
E4 Pancolitis (including areas proximal to the hepatic flexure)
Severity   S0 Never severe*
  S1 Ever severe*
Growth   G0 No growth delay
  G1 Growth delay (impaired linear growth)
The Paris classification of inflammatory bowel disease in children is a modification of the Montreal classification used for adults. This classification incorporates age categories within the pediatric range and includes categories for growth effects. Disease extent is defined using macroscopic appearance rather than evidence from histology or radiology.
* "Severe" is defined by a Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI) ≥65.
¶ Impaired linear growth is manifested by either height Z-score at diagnosis that is significantly less than expected, or a significant reduction in height Z-score since diagnosis.
Modified with permission from: Levine A, Griffiths A, Markowitz J, et al. Pediatric modification of the Montreal classification for inflammatory bowel disease: The Paris classification. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011; 17:1314. DOI: 10.1002/ibd.21493. Copyright © 2011 Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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