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Pre-visit questionnaire: Social history

Pre-visit questionnaire: Social history
1. With whom do you live? (check all that apply) 2. You are presently (check one):
  Spouse or partner
  Other (specify):
  Single/never married
  Living with significant other
3. Which of the following best describes your residence? (check all that apply) 4. If living at a facility, please list the name and contact number of the person to contact if medical treatment is needed:
  Single-family house
  Board and care/assisted living
  Nursing home
  Continuing care retirement community
  Other (specify):
Name of facility:
Phone number:
5. Do you consider yourself to be: 6. How much school did you complete?
  Heterosexual or straight
  Gay or lesbian
  Prefer not to answer
  Less than 8th grade
  Some high school
  High school graduate
  Some college
  College graduate
  Graduate school
7. How many children do you have? 9. You are presently (check one):
  Retired/not working
  Working part-time
  Working full-time
8. Are you in regular contact with your children?
  Yes   No
10. Do you have a religious affiliation?
  Yes   No
10a. If yes, please state:
10b. If yes, do you actively practice?   Yes   No
11. List your principal occupation and any other significant past occupations:
12. Please list name(s) and phone number(s) of those persons you would call if you were sick and needed help:

Phone number:


Phone number:


Phone number:


Phone number:

12a. Do we have your permission to speak to the person(s) listed above on your behalf?   Yes   No
13. Compared with other people your age, how would you describe your health?
  Excellent   Good   Fair   Poor
14. Do you employ someone to provide health-related care or help you in your home?
  Yes   No
14a. If yes, please list name(s) and contact information:
14b. If yes, please indicate the number of hours per day and days per week your paid helper is available to you. Hours per day:
Days per week:
14c. Is this sufficient to meet your needs?   Yes   No
15. Do you get help from family members or friends in your home?
  Yes   No
15a. If yes, please indicate the number of hours per day and days per week your family members(s) or friend(s) are available to you. Hours per day:
Days per week:
15b. Is this sufficient to meet your needs?   Yes   No
16. Do you provide care for a family member?
  Yes   No
17. Do you currently use a home health care agency?
  Yes   No
17a. If yes, please list name(s) and contact information:
18. On any day in the past year, have you ever had:
More than 3 drinks containing alcohol?   Yes   No
18a. Think about your typical week:
  • On average, how many days a week do you drink alcohol?
Days per week:
  • On a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?
Drinks per day:
19. Has anyone ever been concerned about your drinking?
  Yes   No
20. Have you EVER used tobacco products including cigarettes?
(skip to 21)
(skip to 22)
21. Do you currently use tobacco products?
  Yes   No
21a. If yes, what kind of tobacco products?
  • If cigarettes, how many packs per day?
  ¼   ½   1     2+
21b. If no, when did you quit? Year:
  • For how many years did you smoke?
Number of years:
  • How many packs per day?
  ¼   ½   1     2+
22. Do you use marijuana?
  Yes   No   Prefer not to answer
22a. If yes, for what purpose?   Medical   Recreational
Adapted with permission from: Division of Geriatric Medicine. UCLA Healthcare. Pre-Visit Questionnaire. Copyright © The Regents of the University of California.
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