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Prevalence of comorbid depression in anxiety disorders (data from large epidemiological surveys)

Prevalence of comorbid depression in anxiety disorders (data from large epidemiological surveys)
Author/year Population/study Anxiety disorder Prevalence of comorbid MDD
Schneier et al.
ECA SAD 16.6% (lifetime)
ECA All anxiety disorders 21% (12-month)
GAD 60% (12-month)
Wittchen et al.
NCS GAD 38.6% (30 day GAD); 62.4% (lifetime)
Kessler et al.
NCS PTSD 47.9% (males, lifetime); 48.5% (females, lifetime)
Magee et al.
NCS SAD 37.2% (lifetime)
AGOR 45.9% (lifetime)
SP 42.3% (lifetime)
Kessler et al.
NCS GAD 58.1% (12-month)
MDUSS 69.7% (12-month)
Lieb et al.
ESEMeD GAD 59% (12-month)
Alonso et al.
ESEMeD SAD 14.5% (all 12-month)
GAD 37.1%
PTSD 7.8%
PD 29.8%
AGOR 15.5%
SP 15.5%
Eisenberg et al.
WHO, WMHS GAD 30.4% (2 weeks)
PD 9.4% (2 weeks)
Gabilondo et al.
ESEMeD SAD 7.7% (all 12-month)
GAD 15%
PTSD 7.3%
PD 9%
SP 14.4%
Kessler et al.
WHO, WMHS Any anxiety disorder 49.7% (12-month)
Ruscio et al.
NCS-R OCD 40.7% (lifetime)
Kessler et al.
WHO, WMHS Any anxiety disorder 45.7% (lifetime)
Any anxiety disorder 41.6% (12-month)
Adams et al.
CPES Any anxiety disorder (except SAD) 3.71% (lifetime)
Any anxiety disorder (≥2) 7.43% (lifetime)
ECA: Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study; SAD: social anxiety disorder; GAD: generalized anxiety disorder; NCS: National Comorbidity Survey; PTSD: posttraumatic stress disorder; AGOR: agoraphobia; SP: specific/simple phobia; MDUSS: Midlife Development in the United States Survey; ESEMeD: European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders; PD: panic disorder; WHO: World Health Organization; WMHS: World Health Organization Mental Health Survey Initiative; NCS-R: National Comorbidity Survey-Replication; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; CPES: Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys.
  1. Schneier FR, Johnson J, Hornig CD, Liebowitz MR, Weissman MM. Social phobia. Comorbidity and morbidity in an epidemiologic sample. Arch Gen 49:282, 1992.
  2. Flint AJ. Epidemiology and Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders in the Elderly. Am J Psychiatry 151:640, 1994.
  3. Wittchen HU, Zhao SY, Kessler RC, Eaton WW. Dsm-Iii-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the National-Comorbidity-Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 51:355, 1994.
  4. Kessler RC, Sonnega A, Bromet E, Hughes M, Nelson CB. Posttraumatic-Stress-Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 52:1048, 1995.
  5. Magee WJ, Eaton WW, Wittchen HU, McGonagle KA, Kessler RC. Agoraphobia, simple phobia, and social phobia in the national comorbidity survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 53:159, 1996.
  6. Kessler RC, DuPont RL, Berglund P, Wittchen HU. Impairment in pure and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and major depression at 12 months in two national surveys. Am J Psychiatry 156:1915, 1999.
  7. Lieb R, Becker E, Altamura C. The epidemiology of generalized anxiety disorder in Europe. European Neuropsychopharmacology 15:445, 2005.
  8. Alonso J, Lépine JP, ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 Scientific Committee. Overview of key data from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD). J Clin Psychiatry 68 Suppl 2:3, 2007.
  9. Eisenberg D, Gollust SE, Golberstein E, Hefner JL. Prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and suicidality among university students. Am J Orthopsychiatry 77:534, 2007.
  10. Gabilondo A, Rojas-Farreras S, Vilagut G, Haro JM, Fernandez A, Pinto-Meza A, et al. Epidemiology of major depressive episode in a southern European country: Results from the ESEMeD-Spain project. J Affect Disord 120:76, 2010.
  11. Kessler RC, Birnbaum HG, Shahly V, et al. Age differences in the prevalence and co-morbidity of DSM-IV major depressive episodes: results from the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Depress Anxiety 27:351, 2010.
  12. Ruscio AM, Stein DJ, Chiu WT, Kessler RC. The epidemiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Mol Psychiatry 15:53, 2010.
  13. Kessler RC, Sampson NA, Berglund P, et al. Anxious and non-anxious major depressive disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Epi Psychiatric Sci 24:210, 2015.
  14. Adams CG, Balbuena L, Meng X, Asmundson G. When social anxiety and depression go together: a population study of comorbidity and associated consequences. J Affective Dis 206:48, 2016.
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