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Classifications of tumor severity and extent for head and neck paragangliomas

Classifications of tumor severity and extent for head and neck paragangliomas
Fisch classification[1,2]
Class A Tumors that arise along the tympanic plexus on the cochlear promontory
Class B Tumors with invasion of hypotympanon; cortical bone over jugular bulb intact
Class C1 Tumors with encroachment of the carotid foramen, but no invasion of the carotid artery
Class C2 Tumors with destruction of the vertical carotid canal
Class C3 Tumors that invade the horizontal portion of the carotid canal, but do not reach the foramen lacerum
Class C4 Tumors with growth to foramen lacerum and along the carotid artery and the cavernous sinus
Class De1/2 Tumors with intracranial but only extradural extension; De1/2 according to displacement of dura (De1 = less than 2 cm, De2 = more than 2 cm)
Class Di1/2/3 Tumors with intracranial and intradural extension; Di1/2/3 according to depth of invasion into posterior cranial fossa (Di1 = less than 2 cm, Di2 = between 2 and 4 cm, Di3 = more than 4 cm
Jackson/Glasscock classification[3]
Type 1 Small tumor involving the jugular bulb, middle ear, and mastoid process
Type 2 Extending under internal auditory canal; may have intracranial extension
Type 3 Extending into petrous apex; may have intracranial extension
Type 4 Extending beyond petrous apex into clivus or infratemporal fossa; may have intracranial extension
  1. Fisch U, Mattox D. Microsurgery of the skull base. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 1988, page 149.
  2. Boedeker CC. Paragangliomas and paraganglioma syndromes. GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2011; 10:Doc03.
  3. Jackson CG, Glasscock ME 3rd, Harris PF. Glomus Tumors. Diagnosis, classification, and management of large lesions. Arch Otolaryngol 1982; 108:401.
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