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Patient education: Complete blood count (CBC) (The Basics)

Patient education: Complete blood count (CBC) (The Basics)

What is a complete blood count? — A complete blood count ("CBC") is a test that gives information about the 3 main types of cells in the blood. This test is also called a "blood count." The cells the tests look at are:

Red blood cells – These cells carry oxygen to the body.

White blood cells – These cells fight infections. There are several types of white blood cells. Each type works in a different way.

Platelets – Platelets help clots form so that you stop bleeding after you are injured.

A CBC measures the number of each of the 3 types of cells in your blood and shows if your levels are low, normal, or high. The test can also show if your body is making new blood cells.

The CBC has several ways to count red blood cells. These are called the hematocrit, hemoglobin, and red blood cell count. The CBC also measures the size and shape of the red blood cells. Some CBC tests also show if you are making new red blood cells, using a test called the "reticulocyte count."

Some CBC blood tests also include a "white blood cell differential." This tells you how many of each of the different types of white blood cells you have. It also shows if you have any abnormal white blood cells.

If the CBC shows something unexpected or something that requires a closer look at the cells, the lab can make something called a "blood smear." This lets them look at the cells under a microscope.

Why might I need a CBC? — A CBC is done for many reasons. It might be done:

To check for something called "anemia" if you are not feeling well or are feeling more tired than usual

To check your infection-fighting cells, if you have signs of an infection

To check your platelets, if you have signs of bleeding

To make sure that your blood counts are OK before surgery, especially before a major operation

If you had bleeding problems in the past, have certain diseases, or take certain medicines, a CBC might be done regularly to make sure that your blood counts are OK.

If you are healthy and do not have any symptoms, a CBC is generally not needed as part of a routine check-up.

How do I prepare for a CBC? — For this test, you get a "blood draw." Your doctor or nurse will tell you where to go for this.

It might help to wear a short-sleeve shirt to your blood draw appointment. This makes it easier for the person drawing your blood to get to your arm.

What happens during a blood draw? — For the blood draw, a needle is used to take a small amount of blood from your arm (figure 1). Collecting the blood only takes a few minutes. The blood is then tested in a lab.

Tell the person who takes your blood:

If you take "blood thinner" medicines or if you have a bleeding problem – They will make sure that your bleeding is under control before you leave.

If you have a latex allergy – Some of the supplies used for blood draws might contain latex.

If you have a preferred arm to use

Most of the time, getting blood taken does not cause problems. You might have a little soreness or bruising where the needle went in.

What do my results mean? — Your doctor or nurse will tell you when to expect your results, and will contact you with the results. Or, if you use an online "patient portal," you might get an alert there when your results are ready.

What can a CBC show? — The results of the test can show if you have different health conditions. Examples include:

Too few red blood cells – This is called "anemia." Many things can cause anemia. They include not having enough iron, chronic (long-term) disorders like kidney disease, and certain blood disorders.

Too many red blood cells – This is called "polycythemia" or "erythrocytosis." This can be caused by a blood disorder and is sometimes seen in people who smoke cigarettes.

Too many white blood cells – This could be a sign of an infection or certain blood disorders.

Too few platelets – This could be caused by an infection or certain blood disorders.

Too many platelets – This could be caused by a blood disorder.

Certain medicines can also cause blood cell counts to be too low.

If your CBC shows any abnormal results, your doctor or nurse will talk to you about what to do next. They might need to do more tests to figure out what the cause is.

If you do have a health problem, your doctor will work with you to come up with a plan for treatment.

More on this topic

Patient education: Platelet count (The Basics)
Patient education: Eosinophil count (The Basics)
Patient education: Hemoglobin and hematocrit tests (The Basics)
Patient education: Anemia overview (The Basics)

This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Jun 02, 2024.
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