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Conservative surgeries approach: hypopharynx cancer

Conservative surgeries approach: hypopharynx cancer
Procedure Description Patient selection
Suprahyoid pharyngotomy A horizontal incision over the hyoid with anterior to posterior dissection exposing the posterior hypopharyngeal wall Tumors localized to the posterior hypopharyngeal wall
Partial laryngopharyngectomy or extended supraglottic partial laryngectomy Approaches the tumor from the contralateral side through the aryepiglottic fold anterior to the arytenoids and then through the ventricle Posterior pharyngeal wall tumors; pyriform sinus tumors that are without vocal cord abnormality, extension to the apex of the pyriform sinus, or thyroid cartilage invasion
Supracricoid hemilaryngopharyngectomy Removes the entire supraglottis, the false and true vocal cords, and the thyroid cartilage, including the paraglottic and preepiglottic spaces Pyriform sinus tumors without invasion of the apex, the postcricoid region, or posterior pharyngeal wall, and without fixation of true vocal cords
Minimally invasive procedures Transoral approach with CO2 laser resection or transoral robotic surgery

Tumors that are accessible and that are predicted to have good postoperative function

Courtesy of Dr. Suisui Song, The University of Chicago Medical Center.
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