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Beta blocker properties

Beta blocker properties
Drug Alpha blockade Beta-1 selectivity ISA MSA Lipophilicity Usual dose* Half life, hours Elimination
Acebutolol No Yes Yes Yes Low 100 to 400 mg twice per day 3 to 4

Hepatic (primary)

Renal (secondary)
Atenolol No Yes No No Low 50 to 200 mg once daily 6 to 9 Renal
Betaxolol No Yes No Yes Low 10 to 20 mg once daily 14 to 22

Hepatic (primary)

Renal (secondary)
Bisoprolol No Yes No No Moderate 2.5 to 20 mg once daily 9 to 12 Renal and hepatic
Carteolol No No Yes No Low 2.5 to 5 mg once daily 6 Renal
Carvedilol Yes No No Yes High 3.125 to 25 mg twice per day 7 to 10

Biliary (primary)

Hepatic (secondary)
Esmolol No Yes No No Low IV only 250 to 500 micrograms/kg over one minute then 25 to 50 micrograms/kg per minute as IV infusion; titrate incrementally up to maximum of 300 microgram/kg per minuteΔ 9 minutes Blood esterases
Labetalol Yes No Yes (Beta2) Low Moderate

IV 20 mgΔ

Orally 100-400 mg two or three times per day
3 to 4 Hepatic
Metoprolol tartrate No Yes No Low Moderate

IV 1.25 to 5 mgΔ

Orally 25 to 100 mg two times per day
3 to 4
(7 to 9 hours in poor metabolizers)
Hepatic via CYP2D6 (polymorphic)
Metoprolol succinate (extended release) No Yes No Low Moderate Orally 50 to 400 mg once daily Apparent half-life prolonged by continuous osmotic release over ~20 hours Hepatic via CYP2D6 (polymorphic)
Nadolol No No No No Low 40 to 160 mg once daily 20 to 24 Renal
Nebivolol No Yes No No High 5 to 40 mg once daily 10 to 12
(19 to 32 poor metabolizers)
Oxprenolol No No Yes Yes Moderate 40 to 80 mg three times per day 1.5 Hepatic
Penbutolol No No Yes No High 10 to 40 mg once daily 5 Hepatic
Pindolol No No Yes Low Moderate 5 to 30 mg twice per day 3 to 4

Hepatic (primary)

Renal (secondary)
Propranolol No No No Yes High

IV 1 to 5 mgΔ

Orally 10 to 80 mg two to four times daily
3 to 4 Hepatic
Sotalol§ No No No No Low 80 to 160 mg twice per day 12 Renal
Timolol No No No No Moderate 10 to 30 mg twice per day 4 to 5

Hepatic (primary)

Renal (secondary)
ISA: intrinsic sympathomimetic activity; MSA: membrane stabilizing activity; IV: intravenous.
* Range of usual, oral, anti-hypertensive dose, unless "IV" noted.
¶ Duration of hypotensive effect, in general, is longer than may be predicted by serum half-life.
Δ Usual initial IV dose. Subsequent dosing generally needed. See drug monograph for detail.
Not available in US.
§ Sotalol has independent class III antiarrhythmic activity.
Prepared with data from:
  1. Frishman WH, Alwarshetty M. β-Adrenergic blockers in systemic hypertension pharmacokinetic considerations related to current guidelines. Clin Pharmacokinet 2002; 41:505.
  2. Brubacher JR. β-Adrenergic Antagonists. In: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 9th ed, Nelson LS (Ed), McGraw-Hill, New York 2010.
Graphic 82571 Version 11.0

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