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Psychodynamic defense mechanisms

Psychodynamic defense mechanisms
Defense mechanisms Description
Primitive defenses
Splitting Compartmentalizing internal representations of self and others so that conflict is avoided and integration of these representations is not possible
Projective identification A defense involving subtle interpersonal pressure so that the target of a projection takes on characteristics of either an aspect of the self or the internal object that is being projected
Projection Externalizing unacceptable inner impulses and their derivatives by attributing them to someone else
Denial Avoiding awareness of aspects of external realities that are difficult to face by dismissing perceptions that are obvious to everyone else in the environment. What is not perceived is not real, and thus cannot cause pain. The unpleasant aspects that are denied may be replaced by a more pleasant internal fantasy.
Disavowal Dismissing or failing to acknowledge thoughts or feelings that are uncomfortable
Schizoid fantasy Retreating into one's private, internal world to avoid anxiety about interpersonal situations
Regression A partial or total return to earlier patterns of adaptation or behavior
Conversion Development of symbolic physical symptoms and distortions involving the voluntary muscles or special sense organs; symptoms are not under voluntary control and cannot be explained by any physical disorder
Undoing Symbolically acting out in reverse something unacceptable that has already been done or against an impulse which the ego must defend itself
Higher-level defenses
Rationalization Justifying irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings by making them appear rational and reasonable through belief in plausible explanations that are false
Displacement Shifting unacceptable feelings associated with one idea or object to another that resembles the original in some way
Intellectualization Using excessive and abstract rational and logical reasoning to avoid difficult feelings
Isolation of affect Separating an idea or impulse from its associated feeling or affect to avoid emotional turmoil
Sexualization Endowing an object or behavior with sexual significance to turn a negative experience into an exciting and stimulating one
Reaction formation Transforming an unacceptable wish or impulse into its opposite
Sublimation Energy associated with unacceptable impulses or wishes is diverted into personally and socially acceptable channels
Humor Finding comic and/or ironic elements in difficult situations to reduce unpleasant affect and personal discomfort
Anticipation Committing oneself to the needs of others over and above one's own needs
Suppression Consciously deciding not to attend to a particular feeling, state, or impulse
Repression Expelling unacceptable ideas or impulses, thus blocking them from entering consciousness (repression is more closely linked with inner states, whereas denial involves external sensory data)
Adapted from: Gabbard, GO. Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: a Basic Text, 2nd ed, American Psychiatric Publishing Arlington, VA 2007.
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