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Implications of some aspects of the medical history and initial evaluation in patients with chronic diarrhea

Implications of some aspects of the medical history and initial evaluation in patients with chronic diarrhea
Clinical or laboratory features Potential etiology
Symptom characteristics
Leakage of stool Fecal incontinence
Congenital Chloridorrhea, Na+ malabsorption
Abrupt Infections, idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Gradual Everything else
Nocturnal diarrhea Secretory or inflammatory diarrhea
Stool characteristics:
Blood Malignancy, inflammatory bowel disease
Oil droplets Malabsorption, maldigestion
White/tan color Celiac disease, absence of bile
Stool volume:
Small volume, frequent Colonic etiology
Large volume Small bowel etiology
Associated symptoms
Weight loss Malabsorption, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, neoplasm
Abdominal pain Mesenteric vascular insufficiency, obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome
Bloating and flatus Carbohydrate malabsorption
Systemic symptoms Hyperthyroidism, diabetes, neoplasia, tuberculosis, adrenal insufficiency, mastocytosis, vasculitis, Whipple's disease
Joint pain/arthritis Inflammatory bowel disease, yersiniosis
Risk factors
Medications Medication-associated diarrhea (eg, metformin), infection (eg, Clostridioides difficile), enteropathy (eg, olmesartan)
Radiation Radiation enteritis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, enteroenteric fistula
Abdominal surgery Altered motility, post-cholecystectomy diarrhea, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bile acid malabsorption, short bowel syndrome
Hematopoietic cell transplant Graft versus host disease, cord-colitis syndrome (recipient of umbilical cord blood transplantation only)
Diabetes mellitus Altered motility, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, medications associated with diarrhea, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, or associated celiac disease
Immunocompromised host Infectious diarrhea (eg, Microsporidium, Cryptosporidium, Cytomegalovirus infection), lymphoma
Recurrent bacterial infections HIV/AIDS, immunoglobulin deficiencies
Sugar-free foods Sorbitol, mannitol ingestion
Raw milk Brainerd diarrhea
Food additives (eg, fructose) Fructose intolerance
FODMAPs Irritable bowel syndrome
Dairy Lactase deficiency
Exposure to contaminated food or water source Chronic infections (eg, Aeromonas, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, E. histolytica), Brainerd diarrhea
Antibiotic or healthcare exposure Clostridioides difficile infection, fecal impaction with overflow diarrhea, ischemic colitis
Travel Infectious diarrhea, chronic idiopathic secretory diarrhea, post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome
Secondary gain from illness Laxative abuse
Family history Congenital absorptive defects, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, multiple endocrine neoplasia
Physical examination
Muscle wasting, peripheral edema Malnutrition
Urticaria pigmentosa, dermatographism Mast cell disease (mastocytosis)
Pinch purpura, macroglossia Amyloidosis
Hyperpigmentation, postural hypotension Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease)
Migratory necrotizing erythema Glucagonoma
Dermatitis herpetiformis Celiac disease
Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum Inflammatory bowel disease
Flushing, heart murmur, wheezing Carcinoid syndrome
Thyroid nodule, tremor, lid lag Hyperthyroidism
Lymphadenopathy HIV, lymphoma, cancer
Hepatomegaly Endocrine tumor, amyloidosis
Splenomegaly Mastocytosis, Whipple's disease, extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma)
Abdominal bruit Chronic mesenteric ischemia
Anal sphincter weakness Fecal incontinence
Laboratory tests
Anemia Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption
Elevated anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody Celiac disease
Elevated ESR/CRP Active inflammatory process (nonspecific)
Elevated fecal calprotectin Inflammatory diarrhea
Positive stool test for occult blood Organic disease (eg, chronic infection or inflammatory bowel disease)
Original figure modified for this publication. From:
  1. Fine KD, Schiller LR. AGA technical review on the evaluation and management of chronic diarrhea. Gastroenterology 1999; 116:1464.
  2. Schiller LR, Pardi DS, Sellin JH. Chronic Diarrhea: Diagnosis and management. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017; 15:182.
Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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