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Questions to help identify asthma triggers*

Questions to help identify asthma triggers*
Allergen exposures
Do you have asthma symptoms year-round or only certain times of year?


Do you have pets? Or birds? Are they indoors or outdoors most of the time?


Have you seen cockroaches at home/school/work in the past month? How about rodents?


Is there moisture, dampness, moldy odor, or visible mold in your home?


For patients who live in dry climates, do you use an evaporative cooler (also known as a swamp cooler)? These coolers are associated with increased humidity and increased mold/dust mites.


Do your asthma symptoms get worse during pollen seasons (eg, tree pollen in early spring in New England) or more humid times of year (suggests molds and dust mites)?


Have you ever had allergy skin or IgE testing? If so, do you have the results?


Irritant exposures
Do you smoke cigarettes? If so, how many/day and how long have you smoked?


Does anyone at home/work/daycare smoke?


Do you smoke cannabis (marijuana), use electronic cigarettes, or vape?


Do you use a wood-burning stove or fireplace at home?


Do you have any unvented/open fire stoves or heaters at home?


Are you exposed regularly to smells or fumes from perfumes, cleaning agents, or sprays?


Work and school
Do you cough, wheeze or need your inhaler more during the week at work/school than on weekends or times away from work/school?


Do your eyes or nose itch or feel irritated at work/school?


Do coworkers or other students have similar symptoms?


Are you exposed to fumes, dusts, or vapors at work? If so, what?


Nasal problems
Do you have seasonal or persistent nasal congestion, runny nose, postnasal drip, or decreased sense of smell?


Are your nasal symptoms worse at home/school/work?


Gastroesophageal reflux
Do you have heartburn (burning sensation in the chest); does food come back up into your mouth; or do you sense/taste sour stomach acid coming up into your throat?


Medications that can worsen asthma
Do you use eye drops? If so, which? Do your asthma symptoms worsen after taking them?


Do you use any medications that contain beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors? Has your asthma worsened since you started taking this medication?


Do you take aspirin or other NSAIDs? Do your asthma symptoms flare when you take them?


Possible sulfite sensitivityΔ
Do you have wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath after eating shrimp, dried fruit, or processed potatoes or after drinking beer or wine?


ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; IgE: immunoglobulin E; NSAID: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

* These questions are examples and do not represent a standardized assessment or diagnostic instrument. The validity and reliability of these questions have not been assessed.

¶ Higher humidity makes mold and mite exposure more likely. Visible mold suggests significant mold exposure.

Δ Rare issue in children.
Adapted from: National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR 3): Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. NIH Publication no. 08-4051, 2007.
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