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Classification system for Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS)

Classification system for Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS)
Component scores for clinical and radiographic findings Score
Spine location
Junctional (occiput-C2, C7-T2, T11-L1, L5-S1) 3
Mobile spine (C3-C6, L2-L4) 2
Semi-rigid (T3-T10) 1
Rigid (S2-S5) 0
Pain relief with recumbence (lying down) or pain with movement/loading of the spine
Yes 3
No (occasional pain but not mechanical) 1
Pain-free lesion 0
Bone lesion quality
Lytic 2
Mixed lytic/blastic 1
Blastic 0
Radiographic spinal alignment
Subluxation/translation present 4
De novo deformity (kyphosis/scoliosis) 2
Normal alignment 0
Vertebral body collapse
>50% collapse 3
<50% collapse 2
No collapse with >50% body involved 1
None of the above 0
Posterolateral involvement of spinal elements (facet, pedicle, or costovertebral joint fracture or replacement with tumor)
Bilateral 3
Unilateral 1
None of the above 0
The SINS score is generated by adding all of the scores from the six individual components (minimal score is 0, maximal score is 18)
Score Classification Action
0 to 6 Stable spine  
7 to 12 Indeterminant Possible impending instability, warrants surgical consultation
13 to 18 Instability Warrants surgical consultation
Graphic 80396 Version 3.0

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