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Commonly used neonatal pain assessment tools

Commonly used neonatal pain assessment tools
Tool Type of tool (unidimensional versus multidimensional)* Parameters included in the tool Clinical application or type(s) of pain assessed Score range
BIIP (Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain) Unidimensional
  • Behavioral state
  • Facial expression
  • Hand movements
  • Acute postoperative or procedural pain
0 to 9
BPSN (Bernese Pain Scale for Neonates) Multidimensional
  • Alertness
  • Duration of crying
  • Time to calm
  • Skin color
  • Facial expression
  • Posture/tone
  • Breathing pattern
  • Vital sign changes (HR and SpO2)
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 27
COMFORTneo Unidimensional
  • Level of alertness
  • Agitation
  • Respiratory response
  • Crying
  • Body movements
  • Facial expression
  • Muscle tone
  • Prolonged pain (eg, invasive mechanical ventilation)
  • Routine NICU pain assessment
6 to 30
COVERS (Crying, Oxygen requirement, Vital signs, Expression, Resting, Signaling distress) Multidimensional
  • Crying
  • Oxygen requirement
  • Vital signs
  • Facial expression
  • Level of alertness
  • Body movements
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 10
CRIES (Crying, Requires increased oxygen administration, Increased vital signs, Expression, Sleeplessness) Multidimensional
  • Crying
  • Oxygen requirement
  • Vital signs
  • Facial expression
  • Level of alertness
  • Acute postoperative or procedural pain
0 to 10
DAN (Douleur Aiguë Nouveau-né) Unidimensional
  • Facial expression
  • Limb movements
  • Vocal expression
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 10
EDIN (Echelle de Douleur et d'Inconfort du Nouveau-né) Unidimensional
  • Facial expression
  • Body movements
  • Quality of sleep
  • Interaction with environment/caregivers
  • Consolability
  • Prolonged pain
0 to 15
NFCS (Neonatal Facial Coding System) Unidimensional
  • 8 different facial actions
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 8
NIPS (Neonatal Infant Pain Scale) Multidimensional
  • Facial expression
  • Cry
  • Breathing pattern
  • Arm and leg movements
  • State of arousal
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 7
N-PASS (Neonatal Pain Agitation and Sedation Scale) Multidimensional
  • Crying and irritability
  • Behavioral state
  • Facial expression
  • Extremities and tone
  • Vital signs
  • Acute pain
  • Prolonged pain
  • Sedation level (eg, in neonates receiving invasive mechanical ventilation)
–10 to +10
PAT (Pain Assessment Tool) Multidimensional
  • Posture/tone
  • Cry
  • Sleep pattern
  • Facial expression
  • Color
  • Vital signs (respiratory rate, HR, SpO2)
  • Nursing perception of pain
  • Acute procedural pain
0 to 20
PIPP-R (Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised) Multidimensional
  • Change in vital signs (HR and SpO2)
  • Duration of pain expression on the neonate's face
  • Contextual factors:
    • Gestational age
    • Baseline behavioral state
  • Acute postoperative or procedural pain
0 to 21
This table summarizes pain assessment tools used in neonatal practice. Commonly used tools are listed here; the list is not comprehensive. The choice of pain assessment tool should be tailored to the neonatal population being cared for and the types of pain being evaluated. The choice of pain assessment tool(s) varies considerably from center to center. Tools that have been subjected to the most rigorous validation testing include BIIP, CRIES, DAN, N-PASS, and PIPP-R. Refer to UpToDate topic on pain assessment in neonates for additional details.

HR: heart rate; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; SpO2: peripheral oxygen saturation.

* Unidimensional tools are those that evaluate only one type of pain response (either behavioral or physiologic responses). Multidimensional tools evaluate both behavioral and physiologic responses to pain.
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