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Slow-fast form of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)

Slow-fast form of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
Representation of dual pathway physiology involving the atrioventricular (AV) node and perinodal atrial tissue in the common form of AVNRT.
Left panel: A normal sinus beat (A1) is conducted through the fast pathway (F) to the final common pathway (fcp) in the AV node and into the Bundle of His. The conduction through the slow pathway (S) runs into the refractory period of the impulse through the fast pathway and is extinguished.
Middle panel: A critically timed atrial premature beat (A2) finds the fast pathway refractory in the antegrade direction but is able to conduct antegrade through the slow pathway, which has a shorter refractory period. If excitability in the fast pathway has recovered by the time the impulse reaches the fcp, there may be retrograde activation of the fast pathway.
Right panel: The retrograde impulse throws off an echo to the atrium (A*), and, if the slow pathway has recovered its excitability, the impulse reenters the slow pathway and produces ventricular depolarization (V*). If the mechanism persists, a repetitive circuit is established that creates a sustained reentrant tachycardia. The sequence of antegrade (S) and retrograde (F) conduction is called the slow-fast form of AVNRT.
Graphic 79760 Version 6.0

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