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Recommendations for use of anthrax vaccine absorbed, by type of population

Recommendations for use of anthrax vaccine absorbed, by type of population
Population Pre-event* PEP
General public
  Not recommended Recommended
Special populations in the general public
Pregnant women Not recommended Recommended
Breastfeeding women Not recommended Recommended
Children (aged <18 years) Not recommended Determined on an event-by-event basis
Medical professionals Not recommended Recommended
Populations at risk for occupational exposure
Persons who handle animals or animal products Not routinely recommendedΔ Recommended
Persons who perform certain types of laboratory work Recommended Based on pre-event vaccination status
Persons who work in postal facilities Not recommended Recommended
Military personnel As recommended by the Department of Defense As recommended by the Department of Defense
Persons involved in environmental investigations or remediation efforts Recommended Based on pre-event vaccination status
Persons involved in emergency response activities§ Not routinely recommended; may be offered on a voluntary basis under the direction of a comprehensive occupational health and safety program Recommended
PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis.
* Five 0.5 mL doses administered intramuscularly at 0 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months; annual boosters are required to maintain immunity.
¶ Three 0.5 mL doses administered subcutaneously at 0, 2, and 4 weeks after exposure to aerosolized Bacillus anthracis spores for persons who have not completed the pre-event vaccination schedule.
Δ Recommended only if handling potentially infected animals in research settings or in areas with a high incidence of enzootic anthrax or when standards and restrictions are insufficient to prevent exposure to B. anthracis spores.
Laboratorians who work (1) with pure cultures of B. anthracis or preparations of B. anthracis spores, (2) with environmental samples associated with anthrax investigations, or (3) in spore-contaminated areas or other settings with exposure to aerosolized B. anthracis spores. Laboratorians who do not work in these settings are not recommended for pre-event vaccine.
§ Persons involved in emergency response activities might include persons who work in police departments, fire departments, hazardous material units, and the National Guard, as well as other government responders. These persons might perform site investigations, respond to suspicious substance reports (also known as white powder incidents), and perform other related activities, such as evacuation procedures or other activities critical to the maintenance of infrastructure.
Modified from: Wright JG, Quinn CP, Shadomy S, et al. Use of anthrax vaccine in the United States: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009. MMWR Recomm Rep 2010; 59:1.
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