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Criteria for discharge from care for malnutrition

Criteria for discharge from care for malnutrition
Child (6 to 59 months of age)*
Weight-for-height increased to at least 2 standard deviations below WHO median reference values (ie, Z-score ≥-2)
 -- OR --
MUAC ≥12.5 cm
No edema for at least 1 to 2 weeks
Infections have been empirically treated and other conditions have been or are being addressed, including anemia, diarrhea, intestinal parasitic infections, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV
Full immunization program started
Mother or caretaker
Able and willing to look after the child
Knows how to prepare appropriate foods and feed the child
Knows how to give home treatment for diarrhea, fever, and acute respiratory infections and how to recognize the signs that mean she must seek medical assistance
Health worker
Able to ensure follow-up of the child and support for the mother
WHO: World Health Organization; MUAC: mid-upper arm circumference.
* Infants younger than 6 months of age can be discharged from treatment when they are feeding well on breast milk or replacement feeds, have adequate weight gain, have a weight-for-length Z-score ≥-2, and the caregiver is linked with community-based follow-up and support.
¶ In general, the anthropometric indicator used to determine nutritional recovery and discharge from a treatment program should be the one that was used for entry into the program. Percentage weight gain is no longer recommended as a criterion for discharge.
Reproduced with permission from: Management of Severe Malnutrition: A Manual for Physicians and other Senior Health Workers. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1999. Copyright © 1999 World Health Organization.
Modified based on the World Health Organization Guideline: Updates on the management of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children, 2013.
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