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Dietary guidance for children older than 1 year

Dietary guidance for children older than 1 year
General guidelines
A variety of nutrient-dense foods from the basic food groups (cow's milk/milk products or fortified soy products, meat/protein, grains, fruits/vegetables) should be offered each day.
Foods and beverages should contain or be prepared with little added salt, sugar, or caloric sweeteners.
1 to 2 years – Fat and cholesterol intake are not restricted.
2 to 3 years – Fat should comprise 30 to 40% of total energy intake; saturated fats should be limited to <10% of total energy intake; intake of trans fats should be as low as possible.
4 to 18 years – Fat should comprise 25 to 35% of total energy intake; fat intake should not be restricted to <20% of total energy intake; saturated fats should be limited to <10% of total energy intake; intake of trans fats should be as low as possible.
Select and prepare meat, poultry, fish, and dried beans with as little fat as possible.
Fruits, vegetables, and fruit juice
A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables should be offered each day.
Whole fruit is preferred to fruit juice, but one-half of the recommended daily servings can be provided in the form of 100% fruit juice.
Consumption of 100% fruit juice should be limited to 4 ounces (120 mL) in children aged 1 through 3 years, 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 mL) in children aged 4 through 6 years, and 8 ounces (240 mL) in children older than 7 years.
At least one-half of total grains consumed should be whole grains. When reading the label, "whole grain" should be the first ingredient.
Cow's milk or fortified soy milk
1 to 2 years – At least 2 cups (approximately 480 mL) of whole cow's milk per day (or equivalent products).
2 to 8 years – At least 2 to 3 cups (approximately 480 to 720 mL) of fat-free or low-fat milk per day (or equivalent products).
≥9 years – At least 3 cups (approximately 720 mL) of fat-free or low-fat milk per day (or equivalent products).
Plain, unflavored water is the preferred beverage for children, particularly when fluids are consumed outside of meals and snacks.
  1. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Feeding the child. In: Pediatric Nutrition, 8th ed, Kleinman RE, Greer FR (Eds), American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019. p.189.
  2. Dietary Guidelines Committee. Scientific report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Advisory report to the secretary of agriculture and the secretary of health and human services. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC 2020. (Accessed on December 6, 2023).
  3. Dietary Recommendations for Healthy Children. American Heart Association. (Accessed on December 6, 2023).
  4. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D. Available at: (Accessed on December 6, 2023).
  5. Heyman MB, Abrams SA, AAP Section on Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Committee on Nutrition. Fruit juice in infants, children, and adolescents: Current recommendations. Pediatrics 2017; 139:e20170967.
  6. Lott M, Callahan E, Welker Duffy E, et al. Healthy beverage consumption in early childhood: Recommendations from key national health and nutrition organizations. Technical Scientific Report. Healthy Eating Research, Durham, NC 2019. (Accessed on December 6, 2023).
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