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A practical guide for family and couples therapy for depression

A practical guide for family and couples therapy for depression
Principles and tasks Description
Meet with the family Include as many family members as can come and are interested in helping.
Elicit everyone's view All family members should discuss their perception of the family's problems, whether related to the depression or not.
Assess couples/family functioning Evaluate how the family communicates, solves problems, connects emotionally with each other, assigns family responsibilities, and sets family rules.
Focus on strengths Identify and reinforce family strengths.
Evaluate motivation for change Ensure that families are committed to working together on their problems.
Assess safety Ensure that the depressed patient is not suicidal and that there is no family violence.
Psychoeducation Teach families about depression, including signs and symptoms, etiology, course of illness, and available treatments.
Prioritize problems Determine with the family which of their problems they want to address. Prioritize problems related to safety.
Negotiate expectations Establish clinician's expectations for the treatment process, eg, compliance with meetings and working on assigned tasks. Family members should negotiate expected changes with each other.
Set realistic expectations Expectations about change and outcome should be realistic and achievable.
Focus on behaviors and not feelings Feelings cannot be changed and are difficult to measure. Behaviors are more amenable to change and can be evaluated more objectively.
Include some general goals Communicate directly and clearly, support and fulfill appropriate roles as spouse and parent, and reduce criticism, blame, and hostility.
Support increased level of activity The depressed patient should gradually increase participation in activities first within the home and then outside of the home, including greater levels of physical activity.
Provide feedback Inform the family when they are doing well and point out difficulties they are experiencing in making changes.
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