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Intermediate- and long-acting medications for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Intermediate- and long-acting medications for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Medication United States trade name
(generic availability)
Description of release and duration of action Initial dose* Dose advancement Maximum dose
(per day)
Methylphenidate ER
  • 10, 20 mg tablets
  • Metadate ER (generic available)
  • Delayed onset with continuous release over 3 to 8 hours. May require twice daily dosing and/or use with immediate-release methylphenidate.
  • Tablet must be swallowed whole.
  • 10 mg
  • Increments of 10 mg per day every 3 to 7 days
  • ≤50 kg: 60 mg
  • >50 kg: 100 mg
Methylphenidate ER chewable tablets
  • 20 mg (scored), 30 mg (scored), 40 mg (not scored)
  • Quillichew ER
  • Continuous release over 6 to 8 hours with duration of action up to 13 hours.
  • 20 mg
  • Increments of 10 mg, 15 mg, or 20 mg per day every 7 days
  • 60 mg
Methylphenidate XR-ODT
  • 8.6, 17.3, 25.9 mg tablets as methylphenidate base (equivalent to 10, 20, 30 mg of methylphenidate hydrochloride)Δ
  • Cotempla XR-ODT
  • 25% immediate-release and 75% extended-release for duration of action up to 12 hours.
  • Whole tablet must be dissolved on tongue; should be taken consistently either with or without food.
  • 17.3 mg
  • Increments of 8.6 to 17.3 mg per day every 7 days
  • 51.8 mg
Methylphenidate ER (OROS)
  • 18, 27, 36, 54, 63, 72 mg tablets
  • Concerta, Relexxii (generics for Concerta with limited availability)
  • 20% immediate-release and 80% continuous-release over 10 to 12 hours by osmotic delivery.
  • Tablet must be swallowed whole.
  • 18 mg
  • Increments of 9 to 18 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • <13 years: 54 mg
  • ≥13 years: 72 mg
Methylphenidate LA
  • 10, 20, 30, 40 mg capsules
  • Ritalin LA (generic available except 10 mg)
  • 50% immediate-release and 50% delayed-release over 8 to 12 hours (bimodal).
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce and swallowed immediately; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 10 or 20 mg
  • Increments of 10 or 20 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • ≤50 kg: 60 mg
  • >50 kg: 100 mg
Methylphenidate CD
  • 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 mg capsules
  • Generic available
  • 30% immediate-release and 70% delayed-release over 8 to 12 hours (bimodal).
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce and swallowed immediately; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 20 mg
  • Increments of 10 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • ≤50 kg: 60 mg
  • >50 kg: 100 mg
Methylphenidate XR
  • 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 mg capsules
  • Aptensio XR (generic available)
  • 40% immediate release and 60% controlled release for duration of action of 12 hours.
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce and swallowed immediately; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 10 mg
  • Increments of 10 mg every 7 days
  • 60 mg
Methylphenidate XR oral suspension
  • 5 mg/mL
  • Quillivant XR
  • 20% immediate-release and 80% extended-release for duration of action up to 12 hours.
  • 20 mg
  • Increments of 10 mg every 7 days
  • 60 mg
Methylphenidate extended release capsules
  • 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 mg capsules
  • Jornay PM
  • <5% of total drug is available within the first 10 hours after administration.
  • Peak concentration occurs 14 hours after dose with gradual decline thereafter.
  • Capsules may be swallowed whole or opened and the contents sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 20 mg per day in the evening (adjust timing to optimize tolerability and efficacy)
  • Increments of 20 mg per day every 7 days
  • 100 mg
Methylphenidate patch§
  • 10, 15, 20, 30 mg patch
  • Daytrana
  • Onset 2 hours after application of patch and continuous release over 9 to 12 hours.
  • 10 mg§
  • Increments of 5 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • 30 mg
Dexmethylphenidate XR
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 mg capsules
  • Focalin XR (generic available)
  • 50% immediate-release and 50% delayed-release over 10 to 12 hours (bimodal).
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce and swallowed immediately; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 5 mg
  • Increments of 5 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • 40 mg
  • 26.1/5.2, 39.2/7.8, 52.3/10.4 mg capsules
  • Azstarys
  • 70% serdexmethylphenidate (dexmethylphenidate prodrug) and 30% dexmethylphenidate (immediate release).
  • Peak dexmethylphenidate concentration occurs approximately 2 hours after the dose (onset of action within 1 hour), with gradual decline thereafter for duration of action of up to 13 hours.
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over 2 tablespoons of applesauce or into 50 mL of water and consumed within 10 minutes of mixing.
Age 6 to 12 years:
  • 39.2/7.8 mg
  • Increase or decrease by 13.1/2.6 mg after one week
  • 52.3/10.4 mg
Age ≥13 years:
  • 39.2/7.8 mg
  • Increase to 52.3/10.4 after 1 week
Dextroamphetamine-amphetamine ER
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mg capsules¥
  • Adderall XR (generic available)
  • Combination of immediate- and continuous-release over 10 to 12 hours.
  • 5 mg
  • Increments of 5 mg per dose every 3 to 7 days
  • ≤50 kg: 40 mg
  • >50 kg: 60 mg
Dextroamphetamine-amphetamine ER
  • 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50 mg capsules¥†
  • Mydayis
  • Combination of immediate- and two different delayed-release beads for duration up to 16 hours.
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or sprinkled over a spoonful of cold applesauce and swallowed immediately; capsule or contents should not be crushed or chewed.
  • 12.5 mg
  • Increments of 12.5 mg every 7 days
  • 13 through 17 years: 25 mg
  • ≥18 years: 50 mg
Amphetamine ER
  • Oral suspension 2.5 mg amphetamine as base per mL¥
  • 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg tablets
  • Dyanavel XR
  • Combination of immediate- and extended-release for duration of action up to 13 hours.
  • Tablets may be chewed or swallowed whole.
  • 2.5 or 5 mg
  • Increments of 2.5 to 10 mg per day every 4 to 7 days
  • 20 mg
Amphetamine ER
  • ODT 3.1, 6.3, 9.4, 12.5, 15.7, 18.8 mg as base¥
  • Adzenys XR-ODT
  • Combination of 50% immediate- and 50% extended-release; levels are comparable to dextroamphetamine-amphetamine ER capsules when equivalent doses are used.¥
  • 6.3 mg
  • Increments of 3.1 or 6.3 mg per day every 7 days
  • 6 to 12 years: 18.8 mg
  • ≥13 years: 12.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine SR
  • 5, 10, 15 mg capsules
  • Generic extended release available (Dexedrine Spansule brand is no longer available)
  • Combination of immediate- and continuous-release over 8 to 12 hours.
  • May require dividing dose twice daily.
  • 5 mg
  • Increments of 5 mg per day every 3 to 7 days
  • ≤50 kg: 40 mg
  • >50 kg: 60 mg
Dextroamphetamine patch§
  • 4.5, 9, 13.5, 18 mg per 9 hour patches
  • Xelstrym
  • Strength is amount of dextroamphetamine released from patch over 9 hours.
  • Onset 2 hours after application of patch; continuous release from application site over 9 to 12 hours.
  • 4.5 mg§
  • Increments of 4.5 mg per day every 7 days
  • 18 mg
  • 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 mg capsules
  • 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 mg chewable tablets
  • Vyvanse
  • Prodrug converted to dextroamphetamine in bloodstream with an effect over approximately 10 hours.
  • Capsule may be opened and dissolved in water or juice for immediate use.
  • Chewable tablets must be chewed completely before swallowing.
  • 20 mg
  • Increments of 10 or 20 mg per day every 3 to 7 days
  • 70 mg
Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • 10, 18, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100 mg capsules
  • Strattera (generic available)
  • At least 10 to 12 hours.
  • 0.5 mg/kg per day for minimum of 3 days
  • Increase to 1.2 mg/kg per day after a minimum of 3 days (maximum 100 mg per day)
  • Lesser of 1.4 mg/kg or 100 mg
Viloxazine ER
  • 100, 150, 200 mg capsules
  • Qelbree
  • Lasts throughout the day.
  • Capsule may be swallowed whole or opened and contents sprinkled over a teaspoonful of applesauce and swallowed immediately and without chewing; neither the capsule nor contents should be crushed or chewed.
Age 6 to 11:
  • 100 mg
  • Increments of 100 mg weekly
  • 400 mg
Age 12 to 17:
  • 200 mg
  • Increments of 200 mg weekly
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists
Guanfacine ER**
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 mg tablets
  • Intuniv (generic available)
  • At least 10 to 12 hours.
  • 1 mg per day
  • Increments of 1 mg per day at no less than weekly intervals
  • ≤12 years: 4 mg
  • >12 years: 7 mg¶¶
Clonidine ER**
  • 0.1 mg tablets
  • Kapvay (generic available)
  • At least 10 to 12 hours.
  • 0.1 mg at bedtime
  • Increments of 0.1 mg per day every 7 days; doses >0.1 mg per day are divided twice daily (either split equally or with higher dose administered at bedtime)
  • 0.4 mg

CD: controlled dispense; ER: extended release; LA: long-acting; ODT: orally disintegrating tablet; OROS: osmotic controlled-release formulation; SR: sustained release; XR: extended release.

* Suggested doses for initiating treatment with long-acting stimulant medications for treatment of children aged ≥6 years.

¶ This maximum dose exceeds the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved maximum dose; careful monitoring for adverse effects is warranted.

Δ Cotempla XR-ODT strengths are expressed by the manufacturer as methylphenidate base. Most other methylphenidate product doses are expressed as methylphenidate hydrochloride salt. Cotempla XR-ODT dose needs to be converted to methylphenidate hydrochloride for comparison with other methylphenidate products.

◊ Although the prescribing information indicates that Cotempla XR-ODT should be taken consistently with or without food, we suggest that it be taken consistently with food – given the general stimulant effect of appetite suppression.

§ Patch is applied 2 hours before needed effect and worn for a total of 9 hours. Doses for the methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine patches are not equivalent to those for the oral preparations.

¥ Amphetamine ER oral suspension and ODT strengths reflect milligrams of amphetamine base, whereas dextroamphetamine-amphetamine ER capsule strengths reflect milligrams of dextroamphetamine-amphetamine salts. These cannot be substituted on an mg-per-mg basis. Refer to UpToDate content related to dose equivalents of stimulants for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.

‡ Doses above 40 mg per day total are rarely necessary and warrant close monitoring.

† Mydayis is not approved by the FDA for children <13 years.

** Immediate-release form cannot be substituted mg-for-mg for ER form due to pharmacokinetic differences. Discontinuation requires dose tapering to prevent rebound increase in blood pressure.

¶¶ The typical maximum dose for this age group is 4 mg/day; a maximum dose of 7 mg/day may be used for adolescents >12 years who weigh >58.5 kg (120 pounds), but the 7 mg dose may be associated with somnolence.
Data from:
  1. Pliszka S, AACAP Work Group on Quality Issues. Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2007; 46:894.
  2. Drugs for ADHD. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2020; 62:9.
  3. Wender EH. Managing stimulant medication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatr Rev 2001; 22:183.

Prepared with additional data from the US Food and Drug Administration approved product information, available at (accessed on March 29, 2022).

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