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Modes of mechanical ventilation

Modes of mechanical ventilation
Mode Breath strategy Trigger Target Cycle
(inspiration termination)
Types of breaths
Ventilator Patient Mandatory Assisted Spontaneous
CMV Volume-controlled Yes No Flow Volume Yes No No
Pressure-controlled Yes No Pressure Time Yes No No
AC Volume-controlled Yes Yes Flow Volume Yes Yes No
Pressure-controlled Yes Yes Pressure Time Yes Yes No
APC Pressure-controlled Yes Yes Pressure Time Yes Yes No
IMV Volume-controlled Yes Yes Flow Volume Yes Yes* Yes*
Pressure-controlled Yes Yes Pressure Time Yes Yes* Yes*
SIMV Volume-controlled Yes Yes Flow Volume Yes Yes Yes
Pressure-controlled Yes Yes Pressure Time Yes Yes Yes
APRV Pressure-controlled Yes Yes Pressure Time Yes Yes* Yes*
PSV Pressure-controlled No Yes Pressure Flow No Yes No
CPAP   No No None Flow No No Yes
Tube compensation   No Yes None Flow No No Yes
Types of breaths:
Mandatory: Breaths are initiated by the ventilator, and the ventilator performs the work of inspiration during those breaths
Assisted: Breaths are initiated by the patient, but the ventilator performs at least some of the work of inspiration for those patient-initiated breaths
Spontaneous: Breaths are initiated by the patient and the patient performs the entire work of inspiration for those patient-initiated breaths

AC: assist control; APC: adaptive pressure control; APRV: airway pressure release ventilation; BPAP: bilevel PAP; CMV: controlled mechanical ventilation; CPAP: continuous PAP; IMV: intermittent mandatory ventilation; PAP: positive airway pressure; PSV: pressure support ventilation; SIMV: synchronized IMV.

* Note that there is overlap between the types of breaths that can be generated during various modes of ventilation. This overlap is dependent on the ventilator settings. As examples, APRV and IMV are capable of assisted breaths (pressure support added) or spontaneous breaths (no pressure support added). Both assisted and spontaneous breaths depend on the patient's ability to trigger the ventilator.
Graphic 77391 Version 6.0

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