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Major drug interactions with beta blockers

Major drug interactions with beta blockers
Drug Possible effects Precautions
Aluminum hydroxide gel Decreased beta-blocker adsorption and therapeutic effect Avoid beta-blocker-aluminum hydroxide combination
Aminophylline Mutual inhibition Observe patient's response
Amiodarone May induce cardiac arrest Combination should be used with extreme caution
Antidiabetic agents Enhanced hypoglycemia; hypertension Monitor for altered diabetic response
Calcium channel inhibitors (verapamil, diltiazem) Potentiation of bradycardia, myocardial depression, and hypotension Avoid use, although few patients show ill effects
Cimetidine Prolongs half-life of propranolol Combination should be used with caution
Clonidine Hypertension during clonidine withdrawal Monitor for hypertensive response; withdraw beta blocker before withdrawing clonidine
Digitalis glycosides Potentiation of bradycardia Observe patient's response; interactions may benefit angina patients with abnormal ventricular function
Epinephrine Hypertension; bradycardia Administer epinephrine cautiously; cardioselective beta blocker may be safer
Ergot alkaloids Excessive vasoconstriction Observe patient's response; few patients show ill effects
Glucagon Inhibition of hyperglycemic effect Monitor for reduced response
Halofenate Reduced beta-blocking activity; induction of propranolol withdrawal rebound Observe for impaired response to beta blockade
Indomethacin Inhibition of antihypertensive response to beta blockade Observe patient's response
Isoproterenol Mutual inhibition Avoid concurrent use or choose cardiac-selective beta blocker
Levodopa Antagonism of levodopa's hypotensive and positive inotropic effects Monitor for altered response; interaction may have favorable results
Lidocaine Propranolol pretreatment increases lidocaine levels with potential toxicity Combination should be used with caution; use lower doses of lidocaine
Methyldopa Hypertension during stress Monitor for hypertensive episodes
MAO inhibitors Uncertain, theoretical Manufacturer of propranolol considers concurrent use contraindicated
Phenothazines Additive hypotensive effects Monitor for altered response, especially with high doses of phenothiazines
Phenylpropranolamine Severe hypertensive reaction  
Phenytoin Additive cardiac depressant effects Administer IV phenytoin with great caution
Quinidine Additive cardiac depressant effects Observe patient's response; few patients show ill effects
Reserpine Excessive sympathetic blockade Observe patient's response
Rifampin Increased metabolism of beta blockers Observe patient's response
Smoking Increased metabolism of beta blockers Observe patient's response
Tricyclic antidepressants Inhibits negative inotropic and chronotropic effects of beta blockers Observe patient's response
Tubocurarine Enhanced neuromuscular blockade Observe response in surgical patients, especially after high doses of propranolol
IV: intravenous.
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