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Medications that cause hyperprolactinemia

Medications that cause hyperprolactinemia
Medication class Frequency of prolactin elevation* Mechanism
Antipsychotics, first generation
Chlorpromazine Moderate Dopamine D2 receptor blockade within hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular system.
Fluphenazine High
Haloperidol High
Loxapine Moderate
Perphenazine Moderate
Pimozide Moderate
Thiothixene Moderate
Trifluoperazine Moderate
Antipsychotics, second generation
Aripiprazole None or low Dopamine D2 receptor blockade.
Asenapine Moderate
Clozapine None or low
Iloperidone None or low
Lurasidone None or low
Olanzapine Low
Paliperidone High
Quetiapine None or low
Risperidone High
Ziprasidone Low
Antidepressants, cyclic
Amitriptyline Low Not well understood. Possibly by GABA stimulation and indirect modulation of prolactin release by serotonin.
Desipramine Low
Clomipramine High
Nortriptyline None
Antidepressants, SSRI
Citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline None or low (rare reports) Same as for cyclic antidepressants.
Antidepressants, other
Bupropion, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, nefazodone, trazodone None Not applicable.
Antiemetic and gastrointestinal
Metoclopramide High Dopamine D2 receptor blockade.
Domperidone (not available in United States) High
Prochlorperazine Low
Verapamil Low Not well understood. Specific to verapamil. May involve calcium influx inhibition within tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons.
Methyldopa Moderate Decreased conversion of L-dopa to dopamine; suppression of dopamine synthesis.
Most other antihypertensives (including other calcium channel blockers) None Not applicable.
Opioid analgesics
Methadone, morphine, others Transient increase for several hours following dose Potentially an indirect effect of mu opiate receptor activation.
Medication-induced hyperprolactinemia can cause decreased libido and erectile dysfunction in males and galactorrhea and amenorrhea in females.

GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid; SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

* Frequency of increase to abnormal prolactin levels with chronic use: high: >50%; moderate: 25 to 50%; low: <25%; none or low: case reports. Effect may be dose dependent.
Data from:
  1. Molitch ME. Drugs and prolactin. Pituitary 2008; 11:209.
  2. Molitch ME. Medication induced hyperprolactinemia. Mayo Clin Proc 2005; 80:1050.
  3. Coker F, Taylor D. Antidepressant-induced hyperprolactinaemia: incidence, mechanisms and management. CNS Drugs 2010; 24:563.
  4. Drugs for psychiatric disorders. Treat Guidel Med Lett 2013; 11:53.
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