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Maternal age-related risk for common fetal trisomies across pregnancy

Maternal age-related risk for common fetal trisomies across pregnancy
Maternal age
  Down syndrome/trisomy 21 risk (1:n)   Edwards syndrome/trisomy 18 risk (1:n)   Patau syndrome/trisomy 13 risk (1:n)   Combined trisomy 21/18/13 risk (1:n)
CVS Amnio Term CVS Amnio Term CVS Amnio Term CVS Amnio Term
18 1150 1210 1495 2520 3150 9010 6985 7945 13,700 710 790 1175
19 1145 1205 1490 2515 3145 8985 6970 7930 13,670 705 785 1165
20 1135 1200 1475 2510 3135 8960 6955 7905 13,635 705 780 1160
21 1125 1185 1460 2500 3125 8930 6925 7875 13,580 695 775 1150
22 1110 1165 1440 2490 3110 8885 6890 7835 13,510 690 765 1135
23 1090 1150 1415 2470 3090 8825 6840 7780 13,410 680 755 1115
24 1065 1120 1380 2450 3060 8745 6770 7700 13,275 670 740 1095
25 1030 1085 1340 2415 3020 8630 6675 7590 13,090 650 720 1065
26 975 1030 1285 2375 2970 8480 6545 7445 12,840 625 690 1025
27 925 975 1220 2320 2900 8280 6375 7250 12,500 600 660 980
28 855 900 1140 2245 2805 8010 6145 6990 12,050 560 620 920
29 770 825 1045 2145 2680 7660 5850 6655 11,470 515 575 850
30 685 730 935 2020 2525 7215 5475 6225 10,735 465 520 770
31 590 630 815 1865 2330 6655 5015 5700 9830 410 455 675
32 490 535 695 1675 2095 5990 4475 5085 8770 350 390 580
33 400 430 570 1460 1825 5220 3870 4400 7585 290 325 480
34 310 345 455 1225 1535 4380 3235 3680 6345 230 260 385
35 240 260 350 990 1235 3530 2615 2975 5130 180 200 300
36 180 195 265 765 955 2725 2055 2335 4030 135 150 225
37 130 145 195 565 710 2025 1580 1800 3100 99 115 170
38 95 105 145 410 510 1455 1210 1375 2370 72 83 125
39 71 79 110 290 360 1035 930 1060 1825 53 61 94
40 52 60 85 205 255 735 730 830 1430 39 45 72
41 40 46 66 150 185 530 590 670 1160 30 35 56
42 32 38 54 110 140 395 495 560 970 23 28 45
43 27 31 45 87 110 310 425 485 840 19 23 37
44 22 26 39 70 88 250 380 435 745 16 19 32
45 19 23 34 60 74 215 350 395 685 14 16 28
46 18 21 31 52 65 185 325 370 640 12 15 25
47 16 19 29 47 59 170 310 355 610 11 14 24
48 15 18 27 44 55 155 300 340 590 11 13 22
49 15 18 26 41 52 150 290 330 570 10 12 21
The table shows the expected prevalence of 3 common autosomal trisomies (21, 18, and 13) individually (first 3 boxed columns) and together (last boxed column). Within each of these groups, the prevalence is shown at 3 different times in gestation. These include at the time of CVS at approximately 11 to 13 weeks of gestation, amniocentesis at approximately 15 to 18 weeks of gestation, and at term. Each row of the table shows these results for a given maternal age (eg, the row "35 years" includes women age 35.0 through 35.9, average 35.5 years) at the expected date of delivery. For example, consider a 32.4-year-old woman being counseled prior to a CVS procedure who has no specific indications of an abnormality other than age (eg, no abnormal ultrasound findings or pregnancy history of aneuploidy). The chance that the CVS will identify a fetus with Down syndrome is 1:490, with trisomy 18 is 1:1675, and with trisomy 13 is 1:4475. Together, these pose a current combined risk of 1:350. However, her chance of having a term birth with Down syndrome (1:696), trisomy 18 (1:5990), or trisomy 13 (1:8770) is lower. Together, these pose a term risk of 1:580.
CVS: chorionic villus sampling; amnio: amniocentesis.
  1. Morris JK, Savva GM. The risk of fetal loss following a prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 13 or trisomy 18. Am J Med Genet 2008; 146A:827.
  2. Morris JK, Mutton DE, Alberman E. Revised estimates of the maternal age specific live birth prevalence of Down's syndrome. J Med Screen 2002; 9:2.
  3. Savva GM, Morris JK, Mutton DE, Alberman E. Maternal age-specific fetal loss rates in Down syndrome pregnancies. Prenat Diagn 2006; 26:499.
  4. Savva GM, Walker K, Morris JK. The maternal age-specific live birth prevalence of trisomies 13 and 18 compared to trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Prenat Diagn 2010; 30:57.
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