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Care of the uncircumcised penis.
If your child has not been circumcised, his foreskin will usually separate from the glans in about three to five years. Once this has occurred, the foreskin should be pulled back and washed with soap and water. Dry the foreskin before pulling it forward. The foreskin should never be forcibly pulled back when there is resistance.
Care of the circumcised penis.
After your son's circumcision is done, petroleum jelly or gauze impregnated with petroleum jelly is usually applied. The gauze can be removed after 24 hours. To do this, apply Vaseline to the gauze with a diaper change, then at the next diaper change take the gauze off. Clean the circumcision site with warm water and a cotton ball once or twice a day. Apply Vaseline for several days. This helps keep the area clean and keeps the wound site from adhering to the diaper. At first, the penis will appear red. In a few days, you may notice a soft yellow scab. This is normal and will go away in a few days. During this process, you will need to watch for redness, swelling, bleeding or drainage that does not go away. If you notice any of these, notify your baby's doctor. Usually, the circumcision needs no further care once it has healed. Sometimes a small portion of foreskin remains attached to the glans. It should be pulled back gently and cleaned during bath time.
Special situations that influence circumcisions.
There are a few situations that may cause a circumcision to be delayed. Babies that are born too soon need to wait until they grow before they can have a circumcision. Sometimes a baby is born with a birth defect of the penis. In this circumstance, a urologist may be consulted before the circumcision can be performed. If there is a history of bleeding disorders, your baby's doctor may ask you to wait until the risk of bleeding can be determined.
When do I need to make a decision?
This decision is best made before your baby is born. The procedure can be performed in the hospital shortly after birth or performed in the clinic as an outpatient procedure within the first 4 to 6 weeks of life. Local anesthesia is used. However, some pediatrician's offices are not equipped for this procedure and it is strongly recommended that you discuss this topic with your baby's doctor prior to or shortly after birth. Circumcision after this initial period will usually require general anesthesia.
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