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Diagnostic accuracy of melanoma specific structures[1-4]

Diagnostic accuracy of melanoma specific structures[1-4]
Melanoma specific structure Sensitivity (percent) Specificity (percent) Positive predictive value (percent) Negative predictive value (percent) Odds ratio*
Amelanotic melanoma Pigmented melanoma
1. Atypical network[1,3,5-14] 21 35-82 62-89 18-67 71-88 1.1-9
2. Peripheral streaks (pseudopods and radial streaming)[1,3,5-10,13-15] 5 9-32 77-99 22-77 54-86 1.6-5.8
3. Negative pigment network (asymmetrically located and disordered)[5,16]   22 95     1.8
4. Blotch (off-centered)[13,14]           4.1-4.9
5. Atypical dots and/or globules[3,6,7,13,14] 24 25-40 74-92 13-79 61-86 2.9-4.8
6. Regression structures
Scar-like areas[1,3,5,8] 23 17-36 93-99 89 70 4.4-18.3
Peppering[3,17] 22 85 93-99 27 99 3.5
Scar-like areas and peppering[3,5,6,13,14]   22-42 93-99 78   3.9-7.8
Blue-white veil overlying macular areas and scar-like areas and peppering[11,12,18]       44 91Δ 3.1-8.7
7. Blue-white veil overlying raised areas[1,3,5,6,8,9,13,14] 11 17-75 86-99 52-73 55-70 2.5-13
8. Atypical vascular structures[3,6,10,13,14,19-21] 63 9.4 54-96 69 53 1.5-7.4
Dotted + serpentine[3] 30   85     2.3
Serpentine vessels[3,22] 34   80 68   2.1
Polymorphous vessels[3,22]       68   2.1
Milky-red areas[3,22] 51   71


Red globules[3,22] 21   88   2.0
9. Crystalline structures (also known as Chrysalis and shiny white streaks)[23]           9.7
10. Brown peripheral structureless areas[3,6] 19 63 93-96 94 73 2.9-28
* The odds ratios for the diagnosis of melanoma shown in the table are statistically significant since the 95% confidence intervals do not include the unit.
¶ When involving >50 percent of the lesion.
Δ When involving <50 percent of the lesion.
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Reproduced with permission from Drs. Ashfaq Marghoob and Natalia Jaimes.
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