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Site of action of venom, clinical features, tests, and management

Site of action of venom, clinical features, tests, and management
Site of action Clinical features Ancillary testing Management
Local tissue


Fang marks




Tissue necrosis

Lymph node swelling and tenderness


Manage signs of compartment syndrome (Rare)

Neuromuscular junction




Bulbar palsy: "drooling" pooling of secretions in pharynx


Limb weakness

Positive neostigmine trial indicates post-synaptic paralysis responsive to antivenom and anticholinesterase*

Low maximal inspiratory and expiratory forces


Anticholinesterase (eg, neostigmine)*

Maintain and support airway and breathing, as needed



Gingival oozing

Bleeding from venipuncture site

Ecchymoses and bruising

Clinically evident bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage)

Thrombocytopenia (Complete blood count)


Prolonged INR or aPTT

Decreased fibrinogen

Increased fibrin degradation products or  D-dimer

20-minute whole blood clotting test (resource-limited settings)

Antivenom primary treatment

Blood products (eg, whole blood, fresh frozen plasma, or platelets) only if life-threatening bleeding and, when available, after antivenom administration

Heparin, aminocaproic acid not helpful



Signs of poor perfusion (prolonged capillary refill, decreased urine output, altered mental status)

Central pressure monitoring



Intravenous isotonic fluids (eg, normal saline) and vasoactive infusions to maintain perfusion pressure depending upon whether shock is hypovolemic, cardiogenic, or both


Red or brown urine


Rapid urine dipstick positive for blood with microscopic urinalysis showing no red blood cells

Positive urine for myoglobin

Increased serum creatine kinase, potassium, creatinine, and/or blood urea nitrogen

EKG changes indicating hyperkalemia

Intravenous normal saline in volumes sufficient to reestablish urinary outputΔ

Hemodialysis, as needed, for acute kidney injury


* Refer to UpToDate topics on snakebites worldwide for specific guidance on performing a Tensilon (edrophonium) test and for recommended dosing of neostigmine in snakebite victims with a positive test. 
¶ The whole blood clotting test (WBCT) has also been considered a useful bedside screening test when more formal coagulation testing is not available; failure of the blood to clot in a clean glass tube after 20 minutes has been considered evidence of severe hypofibrinogenemia. The WBCT has low sensitivity but high specificity. Thus, a positive test is a reasonable indication for antivenom administration. However, a negative test does not mean that antivenom should be withheld, especially if there are clinical features of coagulopathy (eg, blood oozing at puncture sites, bleeding gums, or epistaxis).
Δ Antivenom may attenuate rhabdomyolysis but will not reverse it for selected snakes. Refer to UpToDate topics on management of snakebites worldwide.
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