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Drugs associated with isolated thrombocytopenia

Drugs associated with isolated thrombocytopenia
Drug Mechanism(s)
Abciximab DITP
Aceclofenac DITP
Acetaminophen DITP; antibodies react with a drug metabolite, not the unmodified drug
Alemtuzumab ITP*
Amiodarone DITP
Aspirin DITP
Atezolizumab DITP
Aztreonam DITP
Beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, flucloxacillin) DITP
Bisoprolol DITP
Carbamazepine DITP
Ceftriaxone DITP
Cetirizine DITP
COVID-19 vaccines ITP, VITT (only adenoviral-vectored vaccines are known to cause VITT)
Daptomycin Bone marrow suppression (dose-dependent) and DITP
Dexamethasone DITP
Diazoxide DITP
Diclofenac DITP
Diltiazem DITP
Durvalumab DITP
Eptifibatide DITP
Ethambutol DITP
Ethosuximide DITP
Exenatide DITP
Felbamate DITP
Fluorouracil DITP
Furosemide DITP
Gold compounds DITP that may persist after the drug is stopped
Haloperidol DITP
Heparin Drug-dependent antibodies that also activate platelets and are associated with thrombosis
Ibuprofen DITP; in some patients, antibodies react with the unmodified drug; in others, antibodies only react with a drug metabolite
Influenza vaccine (trivalent, inactivated) DITP
Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) DITP
Ipilimumab ITP
Irinotecan DITP
Leucovorin DITP
Levofloxacin DITP
Linezolid Bone marrow suppression (dose-dependent)
MMR vaccine ITP
Mirtazapine DITP
Naproxen DITP; antibodies react with a drug metabolite, not the unmodified drug
Natalizumab ITP
Nivolumab ITP
Ondansetron DITP
Oseltamivir DITP
Oxaliplatin DITP
Palonosetron DITP
Pembrolizumab ITP
Penicillin DITP
Phenytoin DITP
Piperacillin (component of piperacillin-tazobactam) DITP
Pyrazinamide DITP
Quetiapine DITP
Quinidine DITP
QuinineΔ DITP
Rifampin DITP
Simvastatin DITP
Sulfonamides DITP
Suramin DITP
Tacrolimus DITP
Teicoplanin DITP
Tirofiban DITP
Trastuzumab DITP
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole DITP; antibodies to both components have been identified
Valproic acid Bone marrow suppression (dose-dependent)
Vancomycin DITP
Volanesorsen Unknown

This table lists drugs with evidence for a causal association with isolated thrombocytopenia; certain foods and beverages (eg, quinine-containing beverages, certain herbal teas, walnuts) can also cause thrombocytopenia. The drugs listed in this table come from clinical data in published case reports, identification of drug-dependent, platelet-reactive antibodies, or both; it also lists their mechanisms.

Criteria for evaluating reports of a drug-induced etiology include:
  • Use of the drug preceded development of thrombocytopenia and platelet count recovery was sustained and complete following drug discontinuation.
  • No other drugs were used prior to development of thrombocytopenia or platelet count remained normal despite continuation or reintroduction of other drugs.
  • Other etiologies for thrombocytopenia were eliminated.
  • Re-exposure to the candidate drug caused recurrent thrombocytopenia or drug-dependent antiplatelet antibodies were demonstrated.

Drugs in bold have been most commonly implicated in a causal relationship. Drug-dependent antibodies have been shown for all agents associated with DITP with the exceptions of aspirin, ethosuximide, exenatide, filgrastim, and linezolid.[1,2]

Refer to UpToDate for additional information on drug-induced thrombocytopenia.

COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; DITP: drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia, caused by drug-dependent antibodies; ITP: immune thrombocytopenia, caused by an autoimmune mechanism that no longer requires the presence of the drug; MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella; VITT: vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

* ITP is a rare adverse reaction to alemtuzumab. Thrombocytopenia typically presents months after alemtuzumab exposure and responds well to standard ITP therapies.

¶ Thrombocytopenia may occur when the patient is not actively on the drug; it often responds to standard ITP therapies.

Δ Quinine can also cause a thrombotic microangiopathy and/or other cytopenias.

◊ In addition to parenteral formulations, vancomycin may be present in orthopedic cement used for joint replacement.
  1. Mitta A, Curtis BR, Reese JA, George JN. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia: 2019 update of clinical and laboratory data. Am J Hematol 2019; 94:E76.
  2. Nusrat S, Borogovac A, George JN, et al. Drug (vaccine)-induced thrombocytopenia 2021: Diversity of pathogenesis and clinical features. Am J Hematol 2022; 97:E162.
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