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Randomized trials examining optimal surgical margin width for cutaneous melanoma

Randomized trials examining optimal surgical margin width for cutaneous melanoma
Study n Median follow-up Melanoma thickness Margins Local recurrence (%) Overall survival (%)
World Health Organization[1] 612 12 years 0 to 1 mm 1 cm 3/186 (1.6) 87
1.1 to 2 mm 1 cm 5/119 (4.2)
0 to 1 mm 3 cm 1/173 (0.6) 85
1.1 to 2 mm 3 cm 2/134 (1.5)
Swedish[2] 989 11 years 0.8 to 2 mm 2 cm 3/476 (0.6) 79
5 cm 5/513 (1) 76
French Cooperative Group[3] 326 16 years <2.1 mm 2 cm 1/181 (0.05) 87
5 cm 4/185 (0.2) 86
Melanoma Intergroup Trial[4] 468 8 years 1 to 4 mm 2 cm (2.1) 80
4 cm (2.6) 84
British Trial[5] 900 60 months ≥2 mm 1 cm 15/453 (3.3) No significant difference
3 cm 13/457 (2.8)
Europe[6,7]* 936 6.7 years >2 mm 2 cm 20/465 (4.3) 65
4 cm 9/471 (1.9)
19.6 years >2 mm 2 cm Not reported 52
4 cm 48
* The Utjés report[7] is the long-term follow-up of the Gillgren report[6].
¶ Melanoma-specific survival. Overall survival and melanoma-specific survival were similar for the groups.
  1. Cascinelli N. Margin of resection in the management of primary melanoma. Semin Surg Oncol 1998; 14:272.
  2. Cohn-Cedermark G, Rutqvist LE, Andersson R, et al. Long term results of a randomized study by the Swedish Melanoma Study Group on 2-cm versus 5-cm resection margins for patients with cutaneous melanoma with a tumor thickness of 0.8-2.0 mm. Cancer 2000; 89:1495.
  3. Khayat D, Rixe O, Martin G, et al. Surgical margins in cutaneous melanoma (2 cm versus 5 cm for lesions measuring less than 2.1-mm thick). Cancer 2003; 97:1941.
  4. Karakousis CP, Balch CM, Urist MM, et al. Local recurrence in malignant melanoma: Long-term results of the multiinstitutional randomized surgical trial. Ann Surg Oncol 1996; 3:446.
  5. Thomas JM, Newton-Bishop J, A'Hern R, et al. Excision margins in high-risk malignant melanoma. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:757.
  6. Gillgren P, Drzewiecki KT, Niin M, et al. 2-cm versus 4-cm surgical excision margins for primary cutaneous melanoma thicker than 2 mm: A randomised, multicentre trial. Lancet 2011; 378:1635.
  7. Utjés D, Malmstedt J, Teras J, et al. 2-cm versus 4-cm surgical excision margins for primary cutaneous melanoma thicker than 2 mm: Long-term follow-up of a multicentre, randomised trial. Lancet 2019; 394:471.
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