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Ways to conserve energy

Ways to conserve energy
Planning and organizing
Alternate tasks that take lots of energy with those that take less.
Plan activities daily as well as weekly to better alternate tasks.
Delegate as much as possible. It helps you get tasks done and it makes those who want to help feel useful.
Eliminate steps or tasks that are not essential by combining chores or errands.
Arrange your household so that most activities can be done on one floor.
Organize ahead of time so you don't have to rush.
Balance activities so you alternate resting and doing.
Stop to rest before you get tired even if it means stopping in the middle of a task.
Try to avoid spurts of activity; this can drain energy.
Pace activities on good days as well as bad days.
Develop a routine to prevent overdoing.
Sit to do things whenever possible.
Use assistive devices: walkers, scooters, canes, handrails, crutches, grab bars. Assistive devices and adaptive equipment can save energy by allowing you to do things without having to bend or reach.
Avoid heavy lifting (such as children, pots and pans, and laundry).
Use carts or wagons to move things from room to room and place to place.
Wear a fanny pack, carpenter's belt, or jacket or sweater with pockets to carry things.
Focus on things you enjoy doing.
Be realistic with yourself.
When you're too tired to eat
When just the thought of cooking or eating a meal makes you tired, try these hints to save energy:
Let others help prepare or bring food. Family or friends usually like to help!
Shop at less busy times.
Meal preparation
Assemble all ingredients before starting.
Use mixes or prepackaged foods.
Use cookware you can serve from.
Use small, lightweight appliances and labor-saving devices.
Buy utensils that fit comfortably in the hand.
Store frequently used items at chest level to minimize bending and reaching.
Line ovens and drip pans with foil for easier cleanup.
Let dishes air dry or use a dishwasher.
Plan activities or outings at a place that will allow you to sit or lie down.
Take advantage of daycare programs.
Teach children to make a game out of household chores.
Plan work around your best times of the day.
Organize work centers so that equipment is within easy reach.
Create shortcuts.
Take rest breaks.
Work part-time if possible.
Plan activities that allow you to sit or lie down.
Plan social events at peak energy times.
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