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Aphasia syndromes

Aphasia syndromes
Syndrome Flu Rep Comp Read Write Localization
Broca - - + + - "Broca" area: left inferior frontal, often anterior MCA branch occlusion
Wernicke + - - - - "Wernicke" area: left superior temporal and inferior parietal region, often posterior MCA branch occlusion
Anomic + + + ± ± Temporal, parietal, and occipital regions of cortex outside of classical language areas
Conduction + - + + ± Superior temporal gyrus, inferior parietal region adjacent to temporal lobe; classically in arcuate fasciculus
Transcortical motor - + + + - Left mesial frontal, especially supplementary motor area; anterior cerebral artery occlusion
Transcortical sensory + + - - - Left posterior watershed zone between MCA and PCA territories
Transcortical mixed - + - - - Anterior and posterior watershed zones, effectively disconnecting perisylvian cortex from other cortical regions
Global - - - - - Large MCA or left carotid inclusions infarcting a vast region of the left hemisphere
Pure word deafness + + - + + Left or bilateral superior temporal gyrus lesions
Pure alexia + + + - + Left occipital lobe with involvement of splenium of corpus callosum
Aphemia - + + + + Motor cortex outflow to articulators
Pure agraphia + + + + - Left inferior frontal region
Flu: fluency; Rep: repetition; Comp: comprehension; Read: reading; Write: writing; +: relatively spared; -: impaired; MCA: middle cerebral artery; PCA: posterior cerebral artery.
Data from: Mendez MF, Clark DG. Neuropsychiatric aspects of aphasia and related disorders. In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, 5th ed, Yudofsky SC, Hales RH (Eds), American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington, DC 2007. p.522.
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