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Topical hemostatic agents for managing bleeding

Topical hemostatic agents for managing bleeding
Agent Source How supplied Trade names in United States Absorption time[1] Adverse effect*[2] Relative expense¶[1,3]
Physical agents
Bone wax Beeswax Stick form Not applicable Indefinite Impaired bone healing ¢
Ostene (soluble copolymer implant material) Synthetic alkaline oxide copolymers Stick form Ostene 48 hours   ¢
Dry matrix
Absorbable gelatin (gelatin matrix) Porcine Sponge, powder Gelfilm, Gelfoam, Surgifoam, Gelfoam hemostasis kit (also contains human thrombin) 4 to 6 weeks Infection, abscess or granuloma formation, fibrosis, clot disruption if sponge is removed[1] $
Oxidized regenerated cellulose Plant Mesh Surgicel (Nu-Knit, Fibrillar, SNoW) 1 to 2 weeksΔ Foreign body reaction, infection, adhesions[1] $
Microfibrillar collagen (collagen hemostat) Bovine Sheets Actifoam, Avitene (Ultrafoam), Endo Avitene, Instat MCH, Helistat Helitene, Syringe Avitene >8 weeks Granuloma formation, allergenic $$
Powder Avitene Flour
Microporous polysaccharide spheres (MPH) Synthetic Powder Arista AH 24 to 48 hours Use of >50 g can alter glucose load in patients with diabetes $
External agents
Chitosan Biodegradable complex carbohydrate derived from chitin Adhesive dressing HemCon bandage (Chitoflex) Not applicable Training needed to ensure proper application ¢
Kaolin-impregnated sponge Aluminosilicate mineral Gauze sponge Quikclot Not applicable Possible clot disruption when sponge removed ¢
Hemafiber Cellulose and silica Dressing, surgical pad, elastic wrap NuStat OTC, NuStat Trauma Pad XR, NuStat Flex Not applicable Possible clot disruption when pad removed $
Biologically active agents
Topical thrombin Bovine Liquid Thrombin-JMI Not applicable

Intravascular application leads to thrombosis

Antibody formation against bovine thrombin can inhibit coagulation and prolong prothrombin time/INR
Human Evithrom
Recombinant human (rHuman) Recothrom
Fibrin sealant (human fibrinogen and human thrombin) Human Liquid Artiss, Tisseel (also contains synthetic aprotinin), Evicel, TachoSil, Evarrest, Vistaseal Immediate Potential exposure to blood-borne viruses $$$
Human autologous CryoSeal Fibrin Sealant System Vitagel (autologous fibrinogen and bovine thrombin) Not available
Human Powder (spray and direct application; for use with absorbable gelatin sponge) Raplixa (Refer to Absorbable gelatin sponge, above) Not available
Dry Fibrin Sealant Dressing (DFSD)§ Freeze-dried fibrinogen and thrombin applied to gauze substrate Dressing Not applicable Not applicable   $$$$
Bovine albumin-glutaraldehyde tissue adhesive Bovine Liquid Bioglue   Antibody formation against bovine thrombin can inhibit coagulation and prolong prothrombin time/INR $$$$
Combination preparations
Thrombin/gelatin Bovine or porcine Liquid Floseal (bovine), Surgiflo (porcine) 6 to 8 weeks Antibody formation against bovine thrombin can inhibit coagulation and prolong prothrombin time/INR $$$
Thrombin/collagen Bovine Liquid Costasis 4 weeks Antibody formation against bovine thrombin can inhibit coagulation and prolong prothrombin time/INR $$$
INR: international normalized ratio.
* Although rare, use of protein-containing topical hemostatics and fibrin sealants can be associated with severe hypersensitivity reactions and formation of antibodies; such reactions may be seen especially after repeated application.
¶ The cost of topical hemostatics is highly variable in United States and subject to institutional contracting. Price range (US dollars): ¢: less than 50 dollars; $: 50 to 100 dollars; $$: 101 to 300 dollars; $$$: 301 to 500 dollars; $$$$: 501 to 750 dollars.
Δ The low pH of the oxidized regenerated cellulose can inhibit proteases and elastase, which can delay resorption for more than two weeks.
Thrombin and fibrinogen concentrations vary. Fibrinogen concentrations are higher for commercial preparations. As an example, Tisseel, Evicel, and Vistaseal have fibrinogen concentrations of 70, 55 to 85, and 80 mg/mL, respectively, compared with 2.5 to 25 mg/mL for cryoprecipitate (unmanipulated). When rapid clot formation (5 to 10 seconds) is desired, thrombin concentrations of 500 to 1000 NIH units should be used (eg, Tisseel, 500 IU/mL; Evicel, 800 to 1200 IU/mL).[4,5,6]
§ Investigational.
  1. Duenas-Garcia OF, Goldberg JM. Topical hemostatic agents in gynecologic surgery. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2008; 63:389.
  2. Gabay M, Boucher B. An essential primer for understanding the role of topical hemostats, surgical sealants, and adhesives for maintaining hemostasis. Pharmacotherapy 2013; 33:935.
  3. Hong YM, Loughlin KR. The use of hemostatic agents and sealants in urology. J Urol 2006; 176:2367.
  4. TISSEEL VH Kit. Available at: (Accessed on October 27, 2017).
  5. EVICEL Fibrin Sealant. Available at: (Accessed on October 27, 2017).
  6. VISTASEAL Fibrin Sealant. Available at: (Accessed on December 15, 2021).
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