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Adhesion molecules in leukocyte migration

Adhesion molecules in leukocyte migration
Adhesion molecule Cellular expression for leukocyte migration
LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18b) Present on lymphocytes
Mac-1 (CR3, CD11b/CD18b) Present on neutrophils and monocytes
gp 150/95 (CD11c/CD18b) Present on neutrophils and monocytes
VLA-4 Present on lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils
Immunoglobulin superfamily
ICAM-1 Low-level constitutive endothelial cell expression
Increased endothelial cell expression with stimulation
ICAM-2 High-level constitutive endothelial cell expression
No increase with stimulation
VCAM-1 No constitutive endothelial cell expression
Increased endothelial cell expression with stimulation
P-selectin Platelet and endothelial cell surface expression after stimulation
E-selectin Exclusively expressed on stimulated endothelial cells
L-selectin Constitutively expressed on neutrophils, monocytes, and a T cell subset
Shed from neutrophils after stimulation with chemoattractants
LFA: lymphocyte function-associated antigen; CD: cluster of differentiation; Mac: macrophage antigen; CR: complement receptor; gp: glycoprotein; VLA: very late antigen; ICAM: intracellular adhesion molecule; VCAM: vascular cell adhesion molecule.
Graphic 71824 Version 5.0

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