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Second Princeton consensus panel recommendations for risk assignment for sexual activity and management of sexual dysfunction

Second Princeton consensus panel recommendations for risk assignment for sexual activity and management of sexual dysfunction
Grade of risk Criteria
CAVEATS Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors contraindicated with any nitrate preparation should not be taken with alpha-blocking agents
Nitrates should not be administered within 24 hours (or longer in patients with renal or hepatic dysfunction) of sildenafil, 24 hours of vardenafil, or up to 48 hours of tadalafil
Low risk No symptoms and less than three major cardiovascular risk factors (excluding gender)
Controlled hypertension
Mild, stable angina
Post-successful coronary revascularization
Uncomplicated MI more than six to eight weeks previously in patients who do not have exercise-induced ischemia or who have undergone coronary revascularization
Mild valvular disease
Asymptomatic LV dysfunction
Patients at low risk can safely initiate or resume sexual activity and can be treated for sexual dysfunction
Intermediate or indeterminate risk No symptoms and three or more major cardiovascular risk factors (excluding gender)
Moderate, stable angina
Recent MI (more than two but less than six weeks previously); in patients who have not undergone revascularization, the risk can be assessed with stress testing
Asymptomatic LV dysfunction with LV ejection fraction <40 percent or NYHA class II heart failure
Noncardiac sequelae of atherosclerotic disease, such as peripheral vascular disease or prior stroke or transient ischemic attack
Patients at intermediate or indeterminate risk should undergo further cardiologic evaluation, such as stress testing (particularly in patients with a sedentary lifestyle), in an attempt to restratify the patient into the high risk or low risk category
High risk Unstable or refractory angina
Uncontrolled hypertension
NYHA class III/IV heart failure
MI within the past two weeks
High-risk arrhythmias
Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Moderate to severe valvular disease, particular aortic stenosis
Patients at high risk should be stabilized by appropriate therapy before resuming sexual activity
MI: myocardial infarction; LV: left ventricular; NYHA: New York Heart Association.
Adapted from Kostis B, Jackson G, Rosen R, et al. Am J Cardiol 2005; 96:313.
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