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Selected chemicals requiring specific decontamination

Selected chemicals requiring specific decontamination
Toxin Classification Treatment
Bitumen (Tar) Caustic
  • Copious irrigation with cold water until bitumen cools and hardens.
  • Bitumen that is adherent to blistered skin should be removed with blister epithelium. Bitumen adherent to unblistered skin should be covered liberally with a hydrocarbon solvent (eg, mineral oil).
Hydrofluoric acid Caustic with systemic toxicity
  • Standard decontamination followed by application of 10% calcium gluconate gel. Parenteral calcium administration by injection or venous or arterial infusion may be required.
  • Patient at risk for hypocalcemia.
Lime (calcium oxide) Caustic
  • Brush off as much as possible prior to contact with water.
Phenol Caustic with systemic toxicity
  • Irrigate with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400.
Phosphorus (elemental yellow phosphorus) Caustic
  • Avoid exposure to air.
  • Copious water irrigation, and keep covered with water.
Radiation Acute radiation syndrome
  • Obtain radiation monitoring device.
  • Protect personnel if patient is radioactive.
  • Decontaminate from periphery to center of area of exposure. Avoid creating new breaks in the skin. Allow wounds to bleed freely. Collect urine and feces for signs of internal decontamination.
Reactive metals (eg, elemental sodium, potassium, lithium) Caustic
  • Apply mineral oil and remove visible particles with forceps, gauze, or towels, then store removed particles in mineral oil.
NOTE: The treatment protocols given here are theoretically optimal, but decontamination efforts should not be delayed for a significant time to institute them.
Adapted with permission from: King C, Henretig FM (Eds). Skin decontamination. In: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008. Copyright © 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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