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Hepatocyte transplantation for patients with acute liver failure

Hepatocyte transplantation for patients with acute liver failure
Diagnosis, [reference] Age Procedure and outcome
[1] 16 years Intraportal (4×107 cells), NH3 , encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died on day 2.
[7] 26 years Intrasplenic (1.2×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, day 2 OLT, full recovery.
[1] 12 years Intraportal (1×108 cells × 3), NH3 , encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died on day 7.
[1] 10 years Intraportal (2.8×109 cells × 3), NH3 , encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died of viral meningitis on day 7.
[2] 13 years Intraportal (1×109 cells), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died on day 4.
[7] 27 years Intrasplenic (2.8×107), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, day 10 OLT, full recovery.
[3] 14.8 years Intraportal (2.5×109 cells), NH3 , encephalopathy grade 4 improved. OLT on day 1. Full recovery, 6 year follow-up.
[1] 3 years Intraportal (4×109 cells × 9). NH3 and encephalopathy improved. Full recovery.
[1] 5 years Intraportal (2×109 cells × 7). NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved. OLT on day 4. Full recovery.
[4] 3.5 months Intraportal (1.8×108 cells). Encephalopathy unchanged. OLT on day 1. Full recovery.
[5] 8 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal liver cells/kg body weight). Encephalopathy grade 3 improved, full recovery.
[2] 43 years Encephalopathy grade 4 improved. Died on day 35 from sepsis.
Polysubstance use disorder
[6] 32 years Intrasplenic (1.3×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved to grade 2. Died on day 14 from sepsis.
[6] 35 years Intrasplenic (1×1010 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved. Died on day 20 from sepsis.
[3] 21 years Intrasplenic (9×108 cells × 2 and 2.5×107 × 1), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, day 1 brain death.
[3] 35 years After OLT, intraportal (5.4×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved. Died on day 18 from sepsis.
[3] 35 years Intraportal, (3.7×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, full recovery with more than 1 year follow-up.
[3] 51 years Intraportal (3.9×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, died of mesenteric thrombosis on day 3.
[6] 32 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal hep/kg), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died after 30 hours.
[6] 29 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal hep/kg), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died after 37 hours.
[6] 20 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal hep/kg), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, Died after 48 hours.
[6] 20 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal hep/kg), encephalopathy grade 4 improved, full recovery.
[6] 24 years Intraperitoneal (6×107 fetal hep/kg), encephalopathy grade 3 improved, full recovery.
Chloroform, alcohol
[6] 55 years Intrasplenic (3.9×1010 cells), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, multisystem organ failure at 6 hours.
Neonatal hemochromatosis
[10] 3 days Intraperitoneal injection of (2.5×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR normalized by day 10. Patient survived without liver transplantation.
[10] 1 day Two intraperitoneal injections (2.4×107/kg and 3×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR continued to be abnormal. Patient received liver transplantation on day 28.
[10] 14 days Intraperitoneal injection of (2×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR normalized by day 35. Patient survived without liver transplantation.
[10] 41 days Two intraperitoneal injections (3×107/kg and 2.3×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR continued to be abnormal. Patient received liver transplantation on day 44.
Etiology unknown
[8] 23 years Intrasplenic, (2.86×108 and 1.52×108 cells), NH3 , and encephalopathy grade 3 improved, OLT on day 5, multisystem organ failure on day 13.
[10] 6 years Intraperitoneal injection of (1.5×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR remained persistently abnormal until patient received liver transplantation on day 8.
[10] 8 days Intraperitoneal injection of (2.6×107/kg) alginate encapsulated hepatocytes. INR increased on day 1. Patient died on day 1.
Reyes syndrome
[3] 48 years Intraportal, (7.5×108 cells), NH3 , encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, brain death on day 1.
Amanita phalloides
[8] 64 years Intraportal, (4.9×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, full recovery, off immunosuppression 12 weeks.
Post-surgical trisegmentectomy
[2] 69 years Intrasplenic, (3.6×108 cells and 1.7×108 cells), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, died on day 2.
Herpes II
[6] 29 years Intraportal + intrasplenic (1×1010 cells), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged, O2 . Died after 18 hours.
[4] 37 years Intrasplenic, (1.2×108 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved. Died on day 5 from sepsis.
[6] 65 years Intraportal + intrasplenic, (3×1010 cells), encephalopathy grade 3 improved, NH3 & O2 , multisystem organ failure on day 52.
[2] 28 years Intrasplenic, (1.69×108 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 4 improved, OLT day 3, full recovery.
[2] 43 years Intraportally, (2.43×108 cells × 3), encephalopathy 4, OLT on day 1, full recovery.
[5] 40 years Intraperitoneal, (6×107 cells/kg body weight), encephalopathy grade 4 unchanged. Died after 13 hours.
HBV + cocaine
[9] 37 years Intrasplenic, (8.8×108 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 2 improved, full recovery with 7-year follow-up.
HBV + lymphoma
[3] 54 years Intraportal, (6.6×109 cells), NH3 and encephalopathy grade 2 improved, multisystem organ death day 7.
[10] 15 days Alginate encapsulated hepatocytes (2×107/kg) were transplanted by intraperitoneal injection. INR was normalized by day 10. Patient survived without liver transplant.
[10] 17 months Alginate encapsulated hepatocytes (2×107/kg) were transplanted by intraperitoneal injection. INR was normalized by day 6. Patient survived without liver transplant.
NH3: ammonia; OLT: orthotopic liver transplantation; INR: international normalized ratio; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HSV: herpes simplex virus.
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  4. Sterling RK, Fisher RA. Liver Transplantation: Living Donor, Hepatocyte, and Xenotransplantation. In: Current Future Treatment Therapies for Liver Disease. Clinics in Liver Disease. Gish R, ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2001.
  5. Habibullah CM, Syed IH, Qamar A, Taher-Uz Z. Human fetal hepatocyte transplantation in patients with fulminant hepatic failure. Transplantation 1994; 58:951.
  6. Bilir BM, Guinette D, Karrer F, et al. Hepatocyte transplantation in acute liver failure. Liver Transp 2000; 6:32.
  7. Fisher RA, Strom SC. Human Hepatocyte Transplantation: Biology and Therapy. In the Hepatocyte Review. Berry MN, Edwards AM, eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  8. Ott M, Barthold M, Alexandrova K, et al. Clinical applications of human hepatocytes isolated under CGMP conditions. 40th annual meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver. 2005: Ab 716.
  9. Fisher RA, Bu D, Thompson M, et al. Defining hepatocellular chimerism of a liver failure patient bridged with hepatocyte infusion. Transplantation 2000; 69:303.
  10. Dhawan A, Chaijitraruch N, Fitzpatrick E, et al. Alginate miroencapsulated human hepatocytes for the treatment of acute liver failure in children. J Hepatology 2020; 72:877.
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