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Pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index

Pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index
Item Points
Abdominal pain
No pain 0
Pain can be ignored 5
Pain cannot be ignored 10
Rectal bleeding
None 0
Small amount only, in <50% of stools 10
Small amount with most stools 20
Large amount (>50% of the stool content) 30
Stool consistency of most stools
Formed 0
Partially formed 5
Completely unformed 10
Number of stools per 24 hours
0 to 2 0
3 to 5 5
6 to 8 10
>8 15
Nocturnal stools (any episode causing wakening)
No 0
Yes 10
Activity level
No limitation of activity 0
Occasional limitation of activity 5
Severe restricted activity 10
Sum of PUCAI (0 to 85)
PUCAI scores are interpreted as follows:
  • 0 to 9 – Remission
  • 10 to 34 – Mild disease
  • 35 to 64 – Moderate disease
  • 65 to 85 – Severe disease
PUCAI: pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index.
Reproduced with permission from: Turner, D, Otley, AR, Mack, D, et al. Development, validation, and evaluation of a pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index: A prospective multicenter study. Gastroenterology 2007; 133:423. Copyright ©2007 Elsevier.
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