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Food frequency questionnaire

Food frequency questionnaire
How often does patient consume? Clinician evaluation Recommended amount
Fish How often is fish consumed? One or more times per week; emphasize fatty fish and encourage variety
Meat Lean, trimmed? <3 to 6 oz per day, as appropriate
Poultry Which part of the chicken? <3 to 6 oz skinless white meat or thigh meat
Legumes Meat alternatives, dried beans, etc Several times per week
Fruit Variety? (Not just bananas) 2 to 3 whole fruits per day
Vegetables Variety? (Not just potatoes and corn) Volume should be one-half of the day's intake, 2 to 3 cups per day
Grains How much from white flour, pasta? Choose whole grains most of the time
Dairy What % milk fat? Cheese? Choose skim milk, lower-fat cheeses; exercise portion control
Sodium Added salt, canned foods, processed foods, cheese, sauces, condiments, restaurants, and takeout 2 grams sodium diet (less for certain conditions); no added salt; less processed foods and cheese; decreased portions at restaurants; buy low-sodium options
Nuts, seeds, good fats Ground flax, pumpkin, walnuts, other nuts and seeds, avocado, olive or canola oils Approximate amount per day: one-fourth cup nuts or one small handful, or 2 tablespoons good oils, or 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
Added fats Cream, cheese, butter, oils, sauces Choose small amounts of unsaturated, trans-fat-free additions
Beverages Soda, juices, caloric beverages Avoid regular use of sweetened beverages; water down juices; caffeine in moderation; increase water instead of caloric beverages
Alcohol Is intake appropriate? Men: <2 drinks/day, women: <1 drink/day; 1 drink is defined as 12 oz of regular beer, 5 oz of wine (12 percent alcohol), or 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits
Minimal amounts best for patient with elevated triglycerides, diabetes, or hypertension
Water Is intake appropriate? Fluid intake guided by thirst except in patients with known impairment of the thirst mechanism
Fried foods Ask about preparation Encourage broiling, baking, sautéing, boiling
Restaurant fare or takeout How many times/week or month? Specify healthy food preparation methods and encourage patient to request more vegetables and ask for low-sodium options; portion control is essential
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