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Classification of tremors

Classification of tremors
Rest tremors
Parkinson disease
Other parkinsonian syndromes (less commonly)
Midbrain ("rubral") tremor: rest < postural < kinetic
Wilson disease (also acquired hepatocerebral degeneration)
Essential tremor - only if severe: rest < < postural & action
Postural and action ("terminal") tremors
Physiological tremor
Exaggerated physiological tremor (these factors can also aggravate other forms of tremor)
Stress, fatigue, anxiety, emotion
Endocrine: Hypoglycemia, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, adrenocorticosteroids
Drugs and toxins: Beta agonists, dopamine agonists, amphetamines, lithium, tricyclic antidepressants, neuroleptics, theophylline, caffeine, valproic acid, alcohol withdrawal, mercury ("Hatter's shakes"), lead, arsenic, others
Essential tremor (familiar or sporadic)
Primary writing tremor
With other CNS disorders
Parkinson disease
Other akinetic-rigid syndromes
Idiopathic dystonia, including focal dystonias
With peripheral neuropathy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (controversial as to whether to call this the Roussy-Levy syndrome)
Variety of other peripheral neuropathies (especially dysgammaglobulinemia)
Cerebellar tremor
Kinetic (intention) tremor
Disease of cerebellar "outflow" (dentate nucleus and superior cerebellar peduncle): Multiple sclerosis, trauma, tumour, vascular, Wilson disease, acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, drugs, toxins (eg, mercury), others
Miscellaneous rhythmical movement disorders
Psychogenic tremor
Orthostatic tremor
Rhythmical movements in dystonia (dystonic tremor)
Rhythmical myoclonus (segmental myoclonus - eg, palatal or branchial myoclonus, spinal myoclonus, limb myorhythmia)
Oscillatory myoclonus
Epilepsia partialis continua
Hereditary chin quivering
Spasmus nutans
Head bobbing with 3rd ventricular cysts
Adapted from Jankovic, J, Lang, AE. Classification of movement disorders. In: Germano, IM, (Ed), Surgical Treatment of Movement Disorders, The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Lebanon, NH, 1998. p. 3.
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